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======================================================================================== (sorry, hello for bed english languge)
======================================================================================== LINK BELOW WILL PROVIDE A PATH TO DOWNLOAD THIS MOD ... HU5a_-su0e
======================================================================================== What is this?
Well, this mod ports weapons, pickups, inventory items and objects from Duke Nukem 3D into Doom, but with a bit of Doom itself and some better effects.
The main ideas of this mod is:
1) Port things from DN3D with some improvements, but keep it's original feeling.
2) Be compatible with monster packs.
- Added new pickups: Super Armor
- Added new powerups: Ammo Sphere and Legend Amulet
- Added one new babe
- New HUD!
- Armor Bonus'es null actor replaced with Half-Empty Pistol Clip
- Protective Boots now portable
- Changed shotgun sprites
- Changed rocket trail sprites
- New weapons: Desert Eagle and Riot Auto-Shotgun
- New explosion flames
- New objects: Trash Can and DOOMed Marine
- New pickup sounds
- Weapons revisited! (Better animation, mechanic)
- Now Duke can talk!
- Special mod menu (VFX, Gameplay)
- Now babes explodes with gibs
- Bugfixes
- New weapon: Plasma Pistol
- New objects: Chinese Statue and Dancing Girl
- Recoil removed (except for Deagle and Auto-Shotgun)
- Enslaved Babe now animated
- Stripers now interactable
- New gib system
- New pistol reload animation
- Ripper now is Chaingun Cannon
- Smooth RPG fire animation
- You can kick! (You can disable Mighty Foot message)
- Pistol deals a little bit less damage
- Better VFX (Explosions, casings)
- New menu options: Enable Throw Force messages?; Start Weapons
- Various small fixes and tweaks
- Armor absorbs more damage
- Shotgun gives less ammo (5 shells in new weapon)
- New weapons: M-16 and Nightmare
- Plasma Pistol is deleted
- Atomic Health gives less... health (50 now)
- Remaked health and armor pickups
- Hotkeys for Steroids and Portable Medkit
- New sounds for Pistol, Chaingun Cannon, Shotgun and Freezethrower
- Traditional "animation and behavior changes"
- Shells or Pipebombs can be spawned instead of Health Bonuses
- Level name display
- Pipebomb's velocity decreased
- You need to ACTUALLY reload shotgun (Disabled by default)
- Сarry limit of pipebombs and rockets is increased (50 now)
- Freezethrower gets a alternative fire mode
- New explosion sounds
- Auto-Shotgun sprites was palleted
- Some new quotes
- Toggleable Auto-Shotgun, M-16, Deagle and Nightmare spawn
- Guns deals more damage
- New weapon: Revolver
- New objects: Explosive Balloon and Tropical Girl
- Custom Level-complete picture
- New menu selector
- Quick Introduction (F1)
- Damage tweaks
- Duke Nukem 3D-like weapon bobbing
- Auto-Shotgun random spawner was deleted
- "Damn, I'm Good!" monster's (in)resurrection was fixed
- New difficulty: Balls of Steel
- Player speed was decreased
- Portable Medkits spawns instead of Atomic Health
- Atomic Health spawns instead of Ammo Sphere
- Ammo Sphere was deleted
- Port. Medkits can't be spawned instead of Large Medkit
- New Duke quotes
- M-16's grenade launcher is functional now
- Auto-Shotgun's smoke was fixed
- Better bullet puff and rocket trail effects
- Categorized options menu
- Backpack now gives ammo for Revolver
- Custom blood was deleted, for more compatibility
- Shrinker Ammo lights was fixed
- New weapon: Suicide Robots (be VERY careful with it)
- Now weapons have recoil (can be turned off)
- You can choose fire mode for Shotgun (Buckshot; Dragon Breathe)
- "Balls Of Steel" difficulty was deleted
- Auto-Shotgun's alt. attack was deleted
- Improved puff and sparks effects
- New sprites for grenade's explosion
- Improved mod settings menu
- You can smash shrinked enemies with just kicking
- New weapon: SPAS-12
- Recoil, Explosion and Weapon sounds settings available
- Babes drops money after death
- Jetpack and Night Vision Goggles toggleable
- Night Vision Goggles and Jetpack plays sound before activating/deactivating
- New HUD
- More Duke Nukem's phrases
- Nightmare, Shotgun's Dragon Breathe firemode, Suicide Robots and Auto-SG was deleted
- Remastered taunt system
- New objects: alien barrels, trash cans (burning and plastic ones)
- More babes!
- Deagle animation was fixed
- Pointless Deagle spawn option was removed
- Various small fixes and tweaks
What's new?
- Shrunken enemies no longer attacks.
- New weapon: Dual MP5 (Can be spawned instead of chaingun)
- Rifle, SPAS-12 and Revolver now have higher chance of appearing
- New cock sound for SPAS-12
- Rebalanced SPAS-12 and Freezethrower's nitrogen attack
- Taunt system tweaks
Gameplay videos (OUTDATED)
~~EXAMPLE~~ - Not used currently
3D Realms; Gearbox Software / Duke Nukem 3D; Lame Duke - Original sprites, sounds
ED Realms / Shadow Warrior - ~~Original sprites~~
Raven Software / Heretic - Original sprites
GAA1992 / Flakes Doom - Smoke sprites and code
Dolphman - Ripping of Duke Nukem 3D and ~~Shadow Warrior~~ weapon sprites
id Software; Saber Interactive / Quake Champions - ~~Weapon sounds~~
Wildweasel - Help with medikit code
SgtMarkIV / Brutal Doom - BFG sound, sprites
id Software / Doom; Doom 3 - Some sprites and sounds
Crowbar Collective / Black Mesa - Sounds
Skelegant / Nun with a Gun - Weapon sound
Nash / Nash Move; Nash Blood - Realistic movement script; ~~Blood effects~~
Zer0, aka Jekyll Grim Payne / Beautiful Doom - Original smoke coding and sprites
Dreadopp; id Software - Ammo Sphere
Raven Software; Ghastly_dragon; Captain Toenail - Original "Emerald Amulet" actor (sprites, code)
Salahmander; MagicWazard; id Software; Midway - Original "Legend Sphere" actor
HorrorMovieGuy; Ludricrous Gibs - Gibs sprites (yes, im lazy to rip them by myself)
Mike12 - Deagle sprites
xenoxols - Backpack sprites
DoomNukem; PillowBlaster - Casing sprites
Gifty / Dead Marine - Ammo pickup sounds
DukeBoss (Jblade35; DeeperThought; sebabdukeboss20) / Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon - Sprites
Dez aka MyNameIs - Quick Kick thing
RichardStorm / KickAss Duke - Sprites, sounds and inspiration
D3athStalker / Doom Incarnate - Ray code and model (Who is the original author of the model?)
willkuer / Fallout 666 Mashup - Height spawn thing (code was so obvious)
MrRumbleRoses / Duke Nukem 3D Weapons And Aliens - Provided sounds
Hellstorm Archon - ~~Nightmare sprites~~
DBJ87 / Heat-Seeker Rocket Launcher - ~~Heat-Missile code~~
Redcrow (muzzleflashes), Captain J, Turbo - SPAS-12 sprites
Bethesda Softworks, Obsidian Entertainment / Fallout: New Vegas - SPAS-12 sounds (alt. attack)
Special thanks to Lee Jackson for soundtrack!
Last edited by Ahpiox on Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:17 am, edited 21 times in total.
Haven't downloaded the actual game yet, but thanks in advance for mentioning me in the credits. Although i edited the coding for smoke a bit, 90% of it belongs to Zer0/Jekyll Grim Payne, from Beautiful Doom as well. Some shoutouts to him would be nice.
Once i kick some ass and chew bubblegum with this, i'll post some feedback here
Whoah wrote:I'll give it a good ol' download once I see some screenies
While projects really should have screenshots wherever possible, this is primarily a weapons and gameplay mod featuring Duke Nukem weapons. A screenshot would just be a picture of a Doom map with a Duke Nukem weapon in the HUD. It's only 2.4MB. What have you got to lose?
Biggest downside with this mod IMO, is that it replaces a bunch of stuff with null actors, so certain items (which may be essential for gameplay balance, or have scripts attached to them or whatever) simply don't appear:
Chainsaw and Supershotgun could be replaced with different weapons from either Shadow Warrior or Duke, Blue Armor can just be another spawner for the armor pickup, armor bonuses could be replaced with the small health bonuses from Duke, and getting rid of Megaspheres and Invulnerability spheres is gonna screw up the scripting of some of my favourite megawads so I hope those Null Actors get replaced with something that won't break a map.
Other than that, fairly decent and smoothly animated, though you'll want to replace the shrink ray with the microwave expander since shrinking enemies is pretty useless without the ability to crush them underfoot.
You can crush them ( sort of ) but I agree, something else would be better. My main gripe with the shrinker is that it doesn't change where enemy fireballs come from. So if you shrink an imp, the fireball appears about 4 feet above his head.
Even if certain items don't have scripts (etc) attached, loads of maps have traps where certain pickups are behind a line that triggers a door or something. If the item isn't there, a player may have no obvious reason to go to that area and so may fail to trigger something important. The null items really need to be addressed if this mod is to be properly usable with as many maps as possible.
Thanks for the first feedback!
I'm sorry, but i can't do that at this moment. And, yeah, i will replace null actors with something pickupable, like Chainsaw -> Pipebomb.
Oh, i actually had 4-Barrel shotgun from SW, but then i removed it for some reason. Also, thanks for ideas!
Okay mate, i will give shoutouts. Will wait for feedback
Okay. Just give me a time.
Last edited by Ahpiox on Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Well, there's always more room for some. It might be a mod already mastered by someone, but think of it as a wish of the creator to come true; giving life to a project and releasing it on the forums. I certainly know how much non-public mixes of Blood and Powerslave i've done in the past, even though i knew it was repetitive.
Also, liked the gameplay and most of my nitpicks already got noticed. Maybe the only one left is the player sounds and Duke quotes. Even some Item pickup quotes randomly appearing would give some life to Duke.
Huh! Kudos for making Shrink Ray mechanics happen, such as making enemies actually shrunk and stomp them like a hay day. Also i dig that weapon bob animation as well.
skyrish10 wrote:So is this the Zdoom counterpart to 3DGE's Duke it out in Doom mod? Due to the fact that this and Duke it out in Doom are Duke Nukem-based Doom mods.
OK! So, first, a big thank you for someone finally attempting a proper Duke 3d weapons mod into GZDoom since Samsara. Now, time for my obligatory whining/criticism. Y U No use Duke 3d sounds?! I never downloaded your mod yet as of this writing, but from the video, the sounds were all so wrong. Is that something you could fix, as well as put in Duke lines?