Extreme and Sudden FPS Issue

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Extreme and Sudden FPS Issue

Post by Snowsight515 »

For a reason I literally cannot fathom, GZDoom 3.5.0 now refuses to run faster than 1-2 FPS. This was not the case just yesterday, and nothing has changed between then and now. I am at a complete loss.

I have tried (so far)

-Restarting my computer
-Shutting down, then restarting my computer
-Running a virus scan
-Running a graphics card diagnostic
-Updating my graphics card
-Changing the in-game renderer (all options tested)

Nothing is running in the background that could explain this, and other, more graphics-intensive games (Star Wars: Empire at War, for instance) run just fine with no unusual issues.
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Re: Extreme and Sudden FPS Issue

Post by phantombeta »

Try renaming or deleting your INI file to see if that helps. Maybe it got corrupted or something, or you accidentally changed an option and didn't notice or forgot.

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