Some Ideas...

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Some Ideas...

Post by Daniel »

Hi! I had some ideas to improve the great Graf Zahl Christimas coding, maybe you'll like it, if this could be possible to add without any problem.


A_ChangeActorFlags (flags) -> where (flags) can be (+ISMONSTER, +CANPASS, +QUICKTORETALIATE for example). This action could open huge new possibilities to the game. Some examples: you can make a monster that suddenly goes to fly, an object that becomes pickable, a monster that turns invisible (partially), a monster that changes its attacking characteristics...

A_NullChase -> the monster will chase the player without the chance of attacking him


Instead of using the flags +MISSILEMORE or +MISSILEEVENMORE, how about make a variable for the actors like this:

AttackingChance (number) -> where Number could be between 0 and 255, and it will work as similar as PainChance, but just for Missile.

We also have the Spawn, See, Missile, Melee, etc. states. How about to add a stat called "FriendlyMissile" and "FriendlyMelee", just for the friendly monsters? Not a good idea, but not that bad.


I didn't understand how the "Minotaur" kind works, so I thought about make a Inventory class called "Summon". It spawns an object in front of the player when used. The object can be defined in a new inventory line:

Inventory.ActorSpawn "name of the actor"


How about add Health pickup benefits that improves the health limit, like the Adrenaline in Quake 2? It could have this line:

Health.AddDefault (number) -> where a number of +10 or +15 improves the health limit by 10 or 15 points, and a number of 120 means that the default health will be set at 120 points.

So that's it. Just some ideas I had.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Some Ideas...

Post by Graf Zahl »

Daniel wrote:Hi! I had some ideas to improve the great Graf Zahl Christimas coding, maybe you'll like it, if this could be possible to add without any problem.


A_ChangeActorFlags (flags) -> where (flags) can be (+ISMONSTER, +CANPASS, +QUICKTORETALIATE for example). This action could open huge new possibilities to the game. Some examples: you can make a monster that suddenly goes to fly, an object that becomes pickable, a monster that turns invisible (partially), a monster that changes its attacking characteristics...

A_NullChase -> the monster will chase the player without the chance of attacking him

Don't worry, both will be eventually be done. But with several months between versions it is not that easy.

Instead of using the flags +MISSILEMORE or +MISSILEEVENMORE, how about make a variable for the actors like this:

AttackingChance (number) -> where Number could be between 0 and 255, and it will work as similar as PainChance, but just for Missile.
If it was that easy. The attack calculations use a complicated formula with uses distance, a random number and some clipping value (MinMissileChance) do decide whether to attack or not. Unfortunately it can't be simply expressed in a single number.
We also have the Spawn, See, Missile, Melee, etc. states. How about to add a stat called "FriendlyMissile" and "FriendlyMelee", just for the friendly monsters? Not a good idea, but not that bad.
What's the point in that? I really see no use in it.

I didn't understand how the "Minotaur" kind works, so I thought about make a Inventory class called "Summon". It spawns an object in front of the player when used. The object can be defined in a new inventory line:

Inventory.ActorSpawn "name of the actor"
If I find a way to add a customizable activation sequence to a pickup item it will become quite easy. You have to wait until then.


How about add Health pickup benefits that improves the health limit, like the Adrenaline in Quake 2? It could have this line:

Health.AddDefault (number) -> where a number of +10 or +15 improves the health limit by 10 or 15 points, and a number of 120 means that the default health will be set at 120 points.
You could use Strife's UpgradeStamina item which is exactly that albeit with a fixed value of 10 per pickup.
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Post by Daniel »

About the custom bullets... how would be the default Pistol, Shotgun, Super Shotgun and Chaingun default actions wrote in A_FireCustomBullets(a,b,c,d,e) format?

And fot the Punch and the Chainsaw in A_CustomPunch?

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