another tech issue split

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another tech issue split

Post by raikosen »

hi developers i have an old machina an intel hd graphics 1st gen and i've always been able to run all kind bd mods specially pb which is the one i play the most using the wtfi.exe patch, but since 2.4.x i started to have problems with crosshairs (7 onwards), explosion marks, blood footprints, imp's projectiles and torche's upper flame with night vision on (both of them), because all of them are displayed as solid green blocks, i was told it was because my graphic card is too old and my video drivers aren't properly updated on win 10 because of intel's lack of support for my hardware, thus there was nothing that could be done to solve those issues, so i just kept playing anyway with no major problems with anything else, however all that was until 3.3.x but in 3.4.x crosshairs problem was "fixed" and i say "fixed" because i know that wasn't intended but more like a lucky shot, so i decided to check all of the issues i have to see if there were more "fixes" and i discovered that explosion marks are "fixed" on walls but not on floors nor ceilings, also all of the other problems remain as described and a new problem arised, background image on pb's menu isn't displayed anymore now i just get a black background instead, so i wanted to ask if my case could be investigated to find out what is causing the "fixes" ans issues i have if is not to much trouble of course, anyway thanks for your time and have a good day, keep up the good work with the project
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Graf Zahl
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Re: another tech issue split

Post by Graf Zahl »

raikosen wrote:however all that was until 3.3.x but in 3.4.x crosshairs problem was "fixed" and i say "fixed" because i know that wasn't intended but more like a lucky shot,
Actually, no. 3.3 has a massive internal change so that the render style for those decals is processed properly on all systems, the fix was quite intended.

so i decided to check all of the issues i have to see if there were more "fixes" and i discovered that explosion marks are "fixed" on walls but not on floors nor ceilings, also all of the other problems remain as described and a new problem arised, background image on pb's menu isn't displayed anymore now i just get a black background instead, so i wanted to ask if my case could be investigated to find out what is causing the "fixes" ans issues i have if is not to much trouble of course, anyway thanks for your time and have a good day, keep up the good work with the project[/quote]

It's really hard to tell with such old hardware where the problems come from. Just so you know, any kind of explosion marks on the floor are a mod side effect so it may well be that the mod is doing something wrong here. But since I cannot test this because I do not own such hardware there's really not much I could do about it.

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