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Back in the day I don't think people would have really gone for this whole "corporation as state" thing, but I guess back in the day they didn't have to deal with portals to hell ripping our dimension apart. When push comes to shove, if the throne is empty, somebody's going to go and sit on it. Just happened 200 years ago that it was the UAC. They call themselves a commonwealth now, their CEO a president, their shareholders are the public. All told they've done a decent job putting the pieces back together.
I don't think folks on earth during the invasion ever though we'd survive, let alone make it to the stars. Yet here we are. Those dark times have faded, but we must always remain watchful for the Old Enemy, lest he decide to return one day...
What is Interstellar Enforcer?
In a nutshell, IE is a mission based GZDOOM TC for DOOM II. Take doom, mix in a dose of unreal and turok, add a splash of metroid and maybe a little bit of system shock 2 and you'll not be far from the target. You play as an officer of the Interstellar Enforcement Patrol, tasked with policing the obscure fringes of humanities bustling space empire in the future of the DOOM II timeline. You generally do this by shooting things.
The demo release (grab it below!):
- Contains 2 full missions
- A handful of enemies, some with variants
- Less than half of the mods arsenal.
- Clocks in at around 2 hours of gameplay.
At completion:
- It will span 3 planets, each containing 3 missions + 1 secret mission. Missions can span multiple maps.
- 9 1/2 weapons, from a lowly plasma pistol to a starship killing antimatter gun.
- A bestiary, containing some old friends that have learned new tricks
- An upgrade system, allowing you to double jump or knock out bad dudes with a single swing of your fist
What does "mission based" mean?
All games start from a central hub where the player can select from available missions. Once a mission is picked, the player is transported to the mission map, and proceeds from there. Missions can span multiple maps and can be anywhere from a quick 10 minute jaunt to a 1 hour epic.
Is this going to be a stand alone game?
No, IE is a TC for DOOM 2 and will remain that way.
Release date?
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha WID
Can I run -insert mod- with this?
Odds are no. The gameplay and maps of IE are unfortunately tied together and there are many effects which have been created in a uh, hacky way.
Does this support multiplayer?
Hard no. IE was not at all designed for multiplayer, and I shudder to think what shenanigans would take place if it was tried.
I am only human, and probably forgot something or someone.
If you see something of yours, or something you recognize that isnt properly credited please let me know.
Hands on all weapons are by torridgristle.
All weapons have been modified to some extent from their initial version.
Based on R667 Plasma Bolter by CodenniumRed
Sprite: Daniel (id Software, 3DRealms stuff)
Sound: aliance of valiant arms, the mutated sound of a howitzer I found somewhere,
other stuff lost to the mists of time
Based on R667 40MM Grenade launcher by ProjectAngel
Sprite: Marty Kirra (mashup of 3dRealms stuff)
Sound: Aliance of Valiant Arms, other shit I cant remember
Based on R667 Plasma Gun by Lolo_is_Cool
Sprite: Lolo_is_cool (Kronos, ID Software stuff)
Sounds: A mutated mashup
Sprite From AMC TC by James Stanfield et all, original source STALKER by GSC
Sound from red faction
Sprite From AMC TC by james Stanfield et all, original source unknown
Sound from god knows where
Sprite from scratch (!) by abbuw, touched up by Uboa
Further shitty edits by me.
Sprite: Rip from shadow warrior
Sounds: misc free libraries, red faction
Soldier NPCs from strife.
Lower tier drones based on R667 Catharsi by Tormentor 667
Sounds: Id Software, Rareware
Sprite: Rottking (Id Software, LucasArts)
Riot Shield sprite by JetNick
Cutters based on R667 Agaures by Dreadopp
Sounds: Id Software, Midway, Blizzard Entertainment, Eriance
Sprite: Dreadopp - mostly Eriance I think?
Wraith: Ghastly_dragon (Bestiary)
Cybruiser: by Eriance
Remote: lameduke drone sprite
hunter aka "pete": Free graphics library
Rain base from R667
Snow base from R667
Other sprites:
With the exception of the armors and the jump boots, all non weapon pickup sprites are original.
If you like shitty art, feel free to use them.
Tracks from-
Body Harvest (DMA, N64)
Jet Force Gemini (Rare, N64)
Heavy Gear (Activision, PC)
Turok2 (Acclaim, PC/N64)
Sarges heroes (3DO, N64)
Red Faction (Volition, PC)
Cave.ogg - Caves of Sorrow by Alexander Zhelanov
Spoopy.ogg - Insistent by yd
Powerslave, Duke Nukem 3D, Red Neck Rampage, Shadow Warrior, AVP2
Some vesitigial flashlight and footstep code based heavily on work by TheZombieKiller
The current spolight flashlight is by uh... Steve from the ZDF
Tracers based heavily on tracers found in WW-nazis by wildweasel
Gore system is a mutated and deformed development of NashGore by Nash
I believe the menu mouse code was taken from something by Ral22
Most menu sounds from Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Misc foley and environment FX from Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Last edited by ReformedJoe on Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:28 pm, edited 9 times in total.
Thanks for the interest!
Put up another handful of screens. Very excited to finally release something and get some outside feedback. I'd say the demo is about 90% complete. There's an endless number of minor bugs and rough edges to be sanded down, but I'm pretty confident (famous last words) I'll have something out by the end of next month.
I've thrown together a (very) brief gameplay video showing some combat. You can watch it up in the OP, or if you're too lazy to scroll up, go ahead and click this here link:
As it stands I've forced myself to lock in the features already present in the demo, and barring some disaster I'll be releasing it into the wild very soon(tm).
Oh this actually looks and sounds interesting, at first I was thinking it would be more Doom 2 esque complete with another demon invasion (I do hope demons won't be showing up, just human factions, alien creatures and intelligent aliens).
Edit: just re read the first post. Demons will be back, oh well.
I like how this is going to incorporate elements from games like Unreal and Metroid as those are some of my favorite games or game series.
While this is not canon of course it is nice to see a storyline that continues on the Doom timeline (I kind of imagined Wolfenstein and Doom being in the same universe), what has happened after the events of Doom 2.
TDG wrote:
Edit: just re read the first post. Demons will be back, oh well.
I've tried where possible to stray from the "666 cover of a heavy metal album" depiction of demons and hell. I'll say my concept of hell is a little more lovecraftian. They're under new management .
As an aside, have you played the AMC TC for Duke 3D? Sounds like it might be right up your alley!
chronoteeth wrote:
not feelin the plasma pistol tho
Ooh, see this is sort of what I'm after. I've been staring at these resources and hearing these sounds for so long I've lost all ability to tell if they're good or not.
Is it the way it looks? Sounds? The general "feel" of it?
I'd be interested to know why you think this!