Player sound and their channels

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Player sound and their channels

Post by DBThanatos »

I found this list for the player sounds and when they play ( however, it doesnt say in which channels they play.

Im doing some trickery with the land and grunt sounds, but i cant figure out in which channel they play, they dont seem to be either in VOICE or BODY. Any idea here?
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Re: Player sound and their channels

Post by comet1337 »

appears to play on chan_ui, which is a bit unintuitive
Blue Shadow
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Re: Player sound and their channels

Post by Blue Shadow »

According to the source code, *grunt is played on CHAN_VOICE while *land is played on CHAN_AUTO.
comet1337 wrote:appears to play on chan_ui, which is a bit unintuitive
[wiki=Sound_channels]That's not a channel[/wiki].
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Re: Player sound and their channels

Post by DBThanatos »

Alrighty! thanks a lot!

Perhaps this could be included in the wiki page for future reference?

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