Can I count monsters of a specific type?

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Can I count monsters of a specific type?

Post by daskraut »


I'm making a map with 2 cyberdemons (and a whole lot of other monsters). In order to reveal the level exit switch I want both cyberdemons to die. I'm currently using the following code:

Code: Select all

#include "zcommon.acs"
    int CD = 0;

//the following script is executed upon death of a cyberdemon using action 80 - script execute

script 4 (void)    

        //reveals exit switch
However, in the rare case that both cyberdemons die from the same shot, the integer CD is only increased by 1 and the player gets stuck in the level forever. Which is... not good.

Is there a different way to make sure both cyberdemons must be dead for the switch to be revealed?

Greetings from krautland!
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Kappes Buur
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Re: Can I count monsters of a specific type?

Post by Kappes Buur »

Give both cyberdemons a tid of 10, for example, then use this script

Code: Select all

#include "zcommon.acs"

script 1 OPEN
    While (ThingCount(T_CYBERDEMON, 10) > 0)
    // Do Stuff;
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Re: Can I count monsters of a specific type?

Post by daskraut »

Thank you, Kappes Buur, this helped a lot!
Why count deaths if you can count the living?
(I should stop drinking and start using google. Yup. JFGI on me this time.)
Kappes Buur wrote:Give both cyberdemons a tid of 10, for example, then use this script

Code: Select all

#include "zcommon.acs"

script 1 OPEN
    While (ThingCount(T_CYBERDEMON, 10) > 0)
    // Do Stuff;

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