Sunlust MAP07 100% kills impossible

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Sunlust MAP07 100% kills impossible

Post by Player701 »

In Sunlust MAP07, there is a hidden Wolfenstein SS (thing 887) used to close a door right when the level begins. Walk forward from the start of the map and you will cross a certain line (linedef 1942) which will start a crusher (sector 1812) that should kill the SS. Problem is, in GZDoom 3.1.0 it doesn't do so, which makes 100% kills impossible on this map. The crusher works but it doesn't seem to do any damage whatsoever to the Wolfenstein SS. In PrBoom-Plus everything works correctly: the hidden monster is instantly crushed when the said line is crossed, which can be verified by noclipping or by checking the kill counter.

Interestingly enough, there is another linedef (12642) which is supposedly intended to start the same crusher, only this time the activator is the monster itself. For some reason, however, it doesn't seem to work neither in GZDoom nor in PrBoom-Plus.
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Re: Sunlust MAP07 100% kills impossible

Post by _mental_ »

Do you have some mods loaded? Because with bare Doom 2 I cannot reproduce this.

GZDoom 3.1.0 (and the latest development version too): linedef 12642 turns crusher on and it kills WolfSS without any interaction from player's side.
PrBoom+ r4526: player needs to cross linedef 1942 to trigger that crusher.
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Re: Sunlust MAP07 100% kills impossible

Post by Player701 »

It seems I was wrong about linedef 12642 not working. It does work indeed, but in 3.1.0 the crusher doesn't seem to do any damage. In the latest devbuild available on the DRD Team website (gzdoom-x64-g3.2pre-102-g71b70d7.7z) the crusher works correctly. Silly me, not checking whether the bug is present in development builds... :oops:

It also seems that the bug is present only in the 64-bit version of 3.1.0. In 32-bit version there is no bug. This is of course not true for the development version (see above - no bug).

And no, no mods or anything like that.
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Re: Sunlust MAP07 100% kills impossible

Post by _mental_ »

Fixed in ac811f9. It was uninitialized variable so this issue might reappear at any given moment.

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