Juvenile Power Fantasy v1.1 "Crashing"! (Link Restored)

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Juvenile Power Fantasy v1.1 "Crashing"! (Link Restored)

Post by Kinsie »


What Is This?
That's a good question, and one I can't really come up with a solid, defining answer for. So here's a bunch of them:
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is a mod about everything dying super-fast, including you.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is a gratuitous ZScript playground by a non-programmer who doesn't really know how to use it.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is a mod where the monsters learned to move not-slow.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is a tribute to the half-remembered works of Cory Whittle, as viewed through a funhouse mirror.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is really, really hard. Like, damn.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is perhaps not entirely serious, ala Reelism.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is heavily customizable via in-game Mutators.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is a mod that unerringly punishes you for the slightest mistake.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is a mod that doesn't mind if you break the map by jumping. Go ahead. Try it!
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy contains customizable options for friendly AI companions, ala Marine's Best Friend
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is not winning any awards anytime soon.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is one of the few mods that actually pays attention to the "Gender" setting in Player Options.
  • Juvenile Power Fantasy is a mod.
Current Status

Doom Games: Everything except the WolfSS and Bossbrain has a replacement.
Heretic: Fully supported!
Hexen: Untouched. I will render it less shit or die trying.
Strife: Untouched.
Chex Quest: Untouched. Will probably stay that way forever.


(Courtesy of Slax. Thanks!)

v1.1 - "Crashing" (13/09/2017) - 15.8mb
Changelog wrote:v1.1 - "Crashing" (13/09/2017)
- F1 Help Pages updated with the latest info. Read it, already!
- Tap-fire on SOCOM and RCR is now more accurate, ala original Doom behavior.
- Last few shots of an RCR mag now make a clicking sound as they're fired, as an audible warning that you're about to reload.
- Lost Soul now plays nicer with timey-wimey stuff.
- D'Sparil and Maulotaur now respect the Monster Rockets mutator.
- Baron and Spider attacks now have appropriately-coloured smoke.
- The Sabreclaw's attack is now a little different.
- Added missing VFX to the Iron Lich's blue orb attack.
- Fixed monsters not dropping ammo when gibbed.
- Fixed alignment of date in changelog menu because I'm good at this.

v1.0 - "Crash" (28/08/2017)
There's still plenty more to do, but there's enough meat on these bones that I don't feel bad about calling it v1.0. Now, get in there!

- Heretic is now fully supported!
- Further work on the shiny new ZScriptified HUD:
-- Added the mag size indicator! You asked for it... no, really.
-- Fixed embarassing bug where the ammo bar considered the maximum ammo amount for each weapon type to be 100 due to copy-pasting idiocy.
-- Added ammo counter, under weapon slots, togglable via screens size.
-- Added support for, erm, turning the HUD off.
- Revamped the Adrenaline powerup to use Term's fancy method from HND.
-- You can no longer use Adrenaline while an Adrenaline powerup is active.
-- Adrenaline length increased to five seconds.
- Fixed Stem Cells that replaced Megaspheres not emitting GL lighting.
- Increased RCR magazine size by 10 to prevent HUD indicator looking bad.
- Weapons now tell you if a full weapon slot prevents them from being picked up.
- Reduced Hell Knight speed, reduced health by 50, and gave them a nasty cold.
- Removed possible solidity from teleport fog.
- Revenants and Mancubi no longer hurt themselves with their own missiles.
- Added annoying beeping sound when below 25% health.
- Added new "Healing Factor" mutator (restores 2hp with every low-HP beep).
- Too many little bits and pieces of polish to list here!

v0.6 "Skeletowned" (14/08/2017)
Minor tweaks and major under-the-hood twiddling is the order of the day here. Once I'm sure that the recoded HUD doesn't render players sterile, I can move forward with new features and with filling in the blanks in Heretic's beastiary, potentially clearing the way to a v1.0 release...

- Fixed an typo in one of the death protips.
- Added potetobloke's new SPAK-12 pickup sprite.
- New RPG and SOCOM pickup sprites.
- Fixed the per-map compat fixes option not taking effect when entering the level ''properly'' instead of warping to it like a cheating mod developer.
- Rockets now pass through Co-Op Buddies. For real, this time.

- Converted the HUD to ZScript! It hurt. A lot.
-- Jetpack and NVG now always display remaining amount when selected (not just when activated) where the selected item's amount would normally be.
-- When changing gender in Player Options, mugshot will now update instantly instead of waiting until you leave the menu and return to gameplay.
-- Weapon slot numbers are now lower down the screen on widescreen resolutions only, to avoid clipping into the main HUD windows.
- Some old hacks relating to telling SBARINFO things have been thankfully removed.
- Fixed duplicate HUD keys caused by cheating, as well as Heretic keys appearing in the HUD when cheating in Doom.
- Changelog menu has been redesigned to be less narrow. Did you notice?

v0.5 "Skeletonne" (10/08/2017)
- Added the TITLEMAP!
- Large under-the-hood changes to blood effects, dramatically improving FPS when lots of enemies are bleeding or exploding, as they do.
- Did first pass on new crushed actor FX
- Fixed a bug where Voodoo Dolls would constantly generate thinkers trying to figure out their own gender, eventually tanking performance. Yes, really.
- Changed the melee system dramatically:
--- Normal hits no longer fling the enemy back
--- Landing two hits without breaking the "chain" of melee attacks will make the next hit a "super hit" that does more damage and flings the enemy back.
- Other minor weapon balance changes:
--- SOCOM is slightly less accurate, slightly quieter
--- RCR does more damage and is a bit more accurate
- Added one new mutator: "Explosion Type"!
- Added an option for map-specific monster tweaks:
---Removes some of The Mother's movement capabilities on MAP06, to preserve intended gameplay
- Changed the widescreen border for Intermissions.
- Minor tweaks to Help, Game Over, audio etc.

v0 "Skeleton" (05/08/2017)
Initial Release.

This is an "early" release, a skeleton of my final vision, that aims to get some feedback that I can apply while slapping more meat onto the bones.
Last edited by Kinsie on Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:43 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Captain J »

Now finally we can play doom as Gary Stu, eh? i can't wait for the release with power-fantasy!
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Redead-ITA »

soo an upcoming zscript mod in which you simulate a glass canon
seeing the way the spas 12 reload
i can easily dig it
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Nash »

I see doggos, I press like
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by badcaradvice »

Did the Iron Lich get tired of floating around all day?

Lookin' pretty cool so far.
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Kinsie »

badcaradvice wrote:Did the Iron Lich get tired of floating around all day?
Iron Liches can't fly! They're like crappy Cacodemons! There was only one thing I could do...

Future Plans
Here's a quick dump of my loose plans for future development as I go along. None of these are a promise! They're just things I want to do.
  • A single-weapon limit on each weapon slot. Want that Super Shotgun? You'll have to drop your regular shotgun first, and deal with the pros and cons of that decision...
  • Certain actions (Bad item from crate? Mutator?) spawning a slow-but-powerful monster at the Player 1 spawn, adding some tension to backtracking around the map...
  • Unique inventory items spawning at or near backpack, like deployable automated sentry turrets (ala ICD) and items that spawn Co-Op buddies (ala Johnny Doom)... stuff like that.
  • More unique powerups, not just reskinned Doom/Heretic ones.
  • More types of Co-Op Buddies. Jarhead Soldiers, Sci-Fi Stormtrooper types... maybe some Harryhausen-style Skeletons, too?
  • More things that can spawn at Deathmatch player spawn points in Single Player instead of just crates. Maybe some corpses with interesting weapons nearby, maybe some unique (weak) monsters...
  • Maybe a dodge mechanism ala Demonsteele, for navigating larger swarms?
  • Make Hexen less shit (I have ideas!)
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by potetobloke »

mod look gud yes
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Matt »

Now this is entertainment.
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Downloading! This seem incredible.

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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Kinsie »

GAA1992 wrote:Downloading! This seem incredible.
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Shit. Saw "downloads" and came in a hype. Sorry.
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by mentha »

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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Kinsie »

So here's my first pass on a new weapon, currently just boringly titled The Double Barrel. Much like its Doom 2 inspiration, it hits like a mack truck. Unlike its Doom 2 inspiration, it only covers a very limited range. As such, it aims to be quite a bit more specialized than the traditional Shotgun, meaning it won't supercede it in all forms like the SSG did to the SG. Pity you won't be able to carry both of them at once, eh?

Sorry about the lack of recent news. I've been working on things that "don't demo well", like bugfixes and under-the-hood stuff.
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Captain J »

At least it's more accurate and reloads faster than vanilla one itself. So yeah, that weapon is going to be dreamily good.
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Re: [WIP] Juvenile Power Fantasy - I Like It Fast...

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Really smooth. Excellent work!

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