OpenGL Problem

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OpenGL Problem


I had this problem a long time ago which i fixed it by going into the config file and changing "vid_renderer 1" to "vid_renderer 0". Now i'm having the same problem, I tried to change the vid_renderer, but it's already on 0, And in case if you want, here's the error startup:
And also, I hope that i'm not posting in the wrong place.
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Re: OpenGL Problem

Post by Rachael »

Try starting GZDoom with "+vid_used3d true"
Blue Shadow
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Re: OpenGL Problem

Post by Blue Shadow »

Moved to Technical Issues.
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Re: OpenGL Problem


Rachael wrote:Try starting GZDoom with "+vid_used3d true"
The problem is, I don't know how to do that.

EDIT: Some hours ago ( i forgot to say this) i came up with a "solution": I copied the zandorum config file and called it "gzdoom-(name of the user of windows)" and replaced it by the old gzdoom config. It worked, it worked even better, now mods that didn't work (such as custom flashlights from... I don't know, Ultimate doom visor?), are now working.

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