[GZDoom]Tried to create a status bar with no script (Solved)

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[GZDoom]Tried to create a status bar with no script (Solved)

Post by Daze »

I've recently decided to update to the latest SVN build since yesterday.
It came to my attention that my project was mysterious greeted with the following message out of nowhere.

"Tried to create a status bar with no script!"

I don't know where this issue comes from...?
Never had this issue with an old 2016 svn build.

Anyone experienced this as well and how to solve this error?

Thanks. <3
Last edited by Daze on Tue May 02, 2017 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [GZDoom] Tried to create a status bar with no script!

Post by _mental_ »

Post your mod or at least its part including SBARINFO and other resources needed to reproduce the problem.
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Re: [GZDoom] Tried to create a status bar with no script!

Post by Daze »

That's the thing... The mod isn't using any SBARINFO yet. :c
That makes me wonder where it's coming from.
There is an empty SBARINFO.txt file in the PK3 though, I could test later today by completely removing the file.
Can't do that now since it'll interrupt my Stream. :c
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Re: [GZDoom] Tried to create a status bar with no script!

Post by Enjay »

Daze wrote: "Tried to create a status bar with no script!"

Anyone experienced this as well and how to solve this error?
So, you have an empty SBARINFO and you got message about trying to create a status bar with no script? Seems pretty likely your blank SBARINFO is to blame.

There has been some work done on status bars recently to expose them to zscript so perhaps things are a bit stricter as far as old-style SBARINFO lumps are concerned. I can see why a blank one could cause problems.
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Re: [GZDoom] Tried to create a status bar with no script!

Post by _mental_ »

Yep, this is empty SBARINFO. Need to check is it a bug or just a feature ;)

Until somebody points us to a released mod that ceases to load because of this error, I think it's OK to keep this behavior unchanged.
So please remove empty SBARINFO lump and be happy.
Last edited by _mental_ on Tue May 02, 2017 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [GZDoom] Tried to create a status bar with no script!

Post by Daze »

I've just tried...
Problem is still there. :c
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Re: [GZDoom] Tried to create a status bar with no script!

Post by _mental_ »

Post your mod then, a guess game doesn't work quite well.
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Re: [GZDoom] Tried to create a status bar with no script!

Post by Daze »

I've figured it out.
Sorry about my claim that it wasn't the issue, it actually was the issue. D:
My custom compiler didn't removed sbarinfo text file.

Thanks for the help. <3

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