Those white pixels are back again

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Those white pixels are back again

Post by Nevander »

So I'm sure everyone by now is aware of the tiny white pixels that would randomly show up in GZDoom, and it became very obvious when against dark textures like dark room and brown textures. Anyway, back then the fix was to change rendering quality to quality and they would be gone.

Well, not anymore. Now for me since I started using 2.2.0 everywhere, I have noticed neither setting seems to work. I thought maybe it was because I had disabled gl_renderbuffers (if this is set to true on my computer, I get horrible lag and makes it unplayable) but that wasn't it either.

Any idea as to why these annoying specks of white won't be gone?
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Re: Those white pixels are back again

Post by Rachael »

They are a bug in 2.2.0. They were fixed since 2.3.0 (I think?).
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Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:32 pm

Re: Those white pixels are back again

Post by Nevander »

Good to know, if that's the deal. I'm playing through the PSX Doom TC right now and they are really easy to spot in that mod. Thanks.

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