GZDoom 2.4.0 launching issues

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Moderator: GZDoom Developers

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Contrary to popular belief, we are not all-knowing-all-seeing magical beings!

If you want help you're going to have to provide lots of info. Like what is your hardware, what is your operating system, what version of GZDoom/LZDoom/whatever you're using, what mods you're loading, how you're loading it, what you've already tried for fixing the problem, and anything else that is even remotely relevant to the problem.

We can't magically figure out what it is if you're going to be vague, and if we feel like you're just wasting our time with guessing games we will act like that's what you're really doing and won't help you.
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GZDoom 2.4.0 launching issues

Post by Sidewicked »

OS, Architecture: Lubuntu 17.04, 64 bit
CPU, CPU Speed, System Speed: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz, 2394 MHz, 1066 MHz (If any of this is important)

I downloaded GZDoom 2.4.0 through use of the "Synaptic Package Manager" System Tool, and placed "doom.wad" and "doom2.wad" in the respective folder, but when I attempt to run GZDoom 2.4.0 nothing happens. No processes what-so-ever. However, when I download GZDoom 1.9.0 it works like a charm (Aside from a weird texture bug on mods like Brutal Doom I could also need some insight on). Essentially, I need help getting this thing running...and hopefully properly. I would provide screenshots of the bugs but I don't know how.
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Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:32 am

Re: GZDoom 2.4.0 launching issues

Post by _mental_ »

Probably the same issue as this one. Open Terminal and run the following command:

Code: Select all

gzdoom -iwad doom2
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Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:51 pm

Re: GZDoom 2.4.0 launching issues

Post by Sidewicked »

Perfect, thanks. What would I need to add if I wanted to run it with a mod?
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Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:32 am

Re: GZDoom 2.4.0 launching issues

Post by _mental_ »

Run any mod as usual but add -iwad command line switch followed by the corresponding IWAD name (optionally with .wad extension or even with full path):

Code: Select all

gzdoom -iwad doom2 -file this.wad that.pk3
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Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:51 pm

Re: GZDoom 2.4.0 launching issues

Post by Sidewicked »

Works just fine.

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