Additional Particle Generators or DECORATE Generic Particles

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Additional Particle Generators or DECORATE Generic Particles

Post by Tormentor667 »

I'd be glad to see new particle systems in the engine of ZDoom because the always made up a great atmospherical addition to our maps. What I have in mind?

- Generic Particle Fountain (arguments are as followed: 1. amount of particles, 2. height of fountain, 3. speed of fountain, 4. horizontal fountain angle

- Snow Particle Thing (produces randomly snow, arguments can be the amount of snow, the size of the snow thing (just as bridge things and their radius), maybe even the color (for yellow glowing hellish sparks or stuff)

- Horizontal Particle Fountain (doesn't produce particles from below but can be placed on walls, just for slimefalls, waterfalls or else)

- Single Floating Particle (arguments are for colors (rgb) and translucency, system creates one floating particle without gravity. Might be useful and interesting to create particle objects just like the deathstar in the first map of "Dark Forces")

- Rain Particle Thing (just the same as the snow, just faster and makes small particle splashes when hitting the floor :))
More info in the original thread: ... ht=feature
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Post by sirjuddington »

Or how about being able to define particle 'objects' with DECORATE that can be spawned via DECORATE items/monsters/weapons etc? You could do nifty stuff like define particle movement functions and whatnot ;)
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Post by LK873 »

Hey I want new particles too!
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Post by Tormentor667 »

SlayeR wrote:Or how about being able to define particle 'objects' with DECORATE that can be spawned via DECORATE items/monsters/weapons etc? You could do nifty stuff like define particle movement functions and whatnot ;)
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

I'd like to see Risens intepretation. (Old thread)
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Post by Daniel »

It should bring a lot of new possibilities to make outdoor lookins! The snow and rain is also possible, but you must use scripts to do it. I remember someone that made "ZDoom Tutorial Wads" also did that.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Nice ideas but getting the math right for this is probably not as easy as it sounds... ;)
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Post by LK873 »

C'mon Graf we know you can do it!
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Post by Tormentor667 »

LK873 wrote:C'mon Graf we know you can do it!
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Post by pink »

If anyone would have the patience and skills required for this task, it would be Graf... so if you feel like it, GO GRAF GO!
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Post by Risen »

If you do decide to try it, don't feel restricted by my suggestions. There's plenty of room for improvement in them. Still, I'd like to have the flexibility in that system available.
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Post by LK873 »

Could someone point me to where Risen gave his ideas on implementing this feature? I'd like to see what he said.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

pink wrote:If anyone would have the patience and skills required for this task, it would be Graf... so if you feel like it, GO GRAF GO!

Sorry, not my area of expertise.
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Post by pink »

Okay then :D . I guess if it's done... someone else will be doing it.
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Post by timmie »

Actually, I'm thinking about adding a new particle system to ZDoomGL. Basically, you'd define the particle system parameters in a text lump (I'd probably just put them in with the light definitions, since I'm considering lumping all the special ZDoomGL stuff like shaders and lights into one text lump) and add a new actor where one of the args is the id of the particle system you specify in the definition.

Code: Select all

ParticleSystem 1 { // the "1" is the id you'd use as the arg for the thing you'd place in the map
   orientation 0 1 0 // 3D vector the system is pointed, this would be straight up
   emitRate ## // number of particles to emit per second
   maxLife ## // maximum number of seconds a particle can live
   emitVelocity ## // initial speed of particle
   acceleration ## ## ## // vector of acceleration, default will be normal gravity
   startColor 1 1 1 1 // initial color of the particles (RGBA format)
   endColor 1 1 1 1 // final color of the particles (RGBA format)
   startSize ## // initial size of the particle
   endSize ## // end size of the particle
   emitterSize ## ## ## // define a bounding box to spawn the particles in
   image GLPART // image to use for the particle
I don't see why ZDoom couldn't use the same system, except maybe ignore the "image" part. I've just been thinking about this recently, so I haven't done any work on it yet, though.

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