More info in the original thread:I'd be glad to see new particle systems in the engine of ZDoom because the always made up a great atmospherical addition to our maps. What I have in mind?
- Generic Particle Fountain (arguments are as followed: 1. amount of particles, 2. height of fountain, 3. speed of fountain, 4. horizontal fountain angle
- Snow Particle Thing (produces randomly snow, arguments can be the amount of snow, the size of the snow thing (just as bridge things and their radius), maybe even the color (for yellow glowing hellish sparks or stuff)
- Horizontal Particle Fountain (doesn't produce particles from below but can be placed on walls, just for slimefalls, waterfalls or else)
- Single Floating Particle (arguments are for colors (rgb) and translucency, system creates one floating particle without gravity. Might be useful and interesting to create particle objects just like the deathstar in the first map of "Dark Forces")
- Rain Particle Thing (just the same as the snow, just faster and makes small particle splashes when hitting the floor) ... ht=feature