ZDoom and GZDoom no finding wads it the same directory?

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ZDoom and GZDoom no finding wads it the same directory?

Post by Xyphileous »

I'm admittedly new to this and I have an image of the problem and why i think its not my fault. I have multiple .wads in the GZDoom directory as well as a ZDoom directory and neither instance is finding the .wads.

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Re: ZDoom and GZDoom no finding wads it the same directory?

Post by wildweasel »

You have wads in the folder, but none of them are the original Doom or Doom 2 wad files. Those are necessary to run the game. The ones you have in there must be loaded on top of the Doom, typically by dragging the one you want to play on top of the GZDoom exe.
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Re: ZDoom and GZDoom no finding wads it the same directory?

Post by Caligari87 »

There are two different kinds of WADs. PWADs are mods, user-defined content. IWADs are the core game data (Doom 1/2, Final Doom, Heretic, Chex Quest, etc).

You must have an IWAD, the core data, to play anything at all. The original Doom games can be bought cheaply on Steam or GoG if you don't have them.

EDIT: Beaten to the punch ;)

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Re: ZDoom and GZDoom no finding wads it the same directory?

Post by Enjay »

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