Download "A Boy And His Barrel" v0.5 (4.65MB)
Another crazy idea conjured up by Jimmy and the regulars of his Twitch stream.
How (does it work)
You've befriended (and apparently married) a barrel full of blueberry sauce named Violet, but the demons don't understand your love and will attack the two of you without hesitation.
Both of you must make it out alive - if either of you dies, you must restart. Defend her with the limited provisions you get, and escort her to the exit gate!
- To move Violet around the map, either push her from place to place, or carry her with the altfire button.
- You will be notified with onscreen messages whenever Violet takes damage, finds herself in hazardous material, or is left by her lonesome for a length of time. Basically it's impossible to abandon her. And besides, it's her who needs to reach the exit, not you.
- Violet sustains continuous damage when placed in blood, slime or lava. Use caution! Bio spheres will protect both you and Violet from all hazardous floors except electric floors.
- On the flipside, Violet can be gradually "refueled" in berry liquid flats, or by being pushed over health packs.
- Any time you are low on health, you can press "use" on Violet to "drink" from her, 10 health points at a time. This will bump your health up but drain hers. Furthermore this is the only way you'll be able to heal as medikits and stimpacks will only affect Violet.
- Violet can pick up items for you, transferring things like weapons, ammo and keys to you. She will take health and armor for herself, though, and certain powerups.
- Your fist has been replaced with a playful shove that does small damage (10 per shove) but possesses 20 times more kickback than usual, and this becomes even more powerful with berserk. Use it to your advantage but don't push Violet around too much!
- There are many portable items you can carry around the levels which will assist with certain puzzles. Get acquainted with them and use them wisely!
- You can reset the level by forcefully detonating Violet with the weapon in slot 0.
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