-=WARNING=- This mod is made just for fun and for me to learn. It is not at all complete, so try at your own discretion. -=WARNING=-
Hey, new guy around here, Video above was the concept of my first weapon mod for Hexen, it replaces the default Sapphire Wand of Daedolon and is intended to be balanced but fun too. Also, intended to be played with the Archmage difficulty.
The current state of the mod has a lot more visual eyecandy and improved functionality. Remember to autoload your Brightmaps and Lights in GZDoom!

--== Power, give me more, power... ==--
Whats up until now:
- Uses Bloodscourge sprites, may change in future.
- Primary is the default Sapphire Wand Magic Missile, recolored red and Damage nerfed to 1 to balance for the new faster cadence.
- Secondary is a outrageously amazing lazor that one-shot almost anything. It has huge recoil, really difficult to shoot near falls and hazardous places.
- Secondary takes a LONG time to shoot again and/or allow you to shoot primary after shooting secondary, so gotta be wise when and against who you want to shoot secondary at.
- Primary uses no ammo and it's fast, but weak. Secondary uses your enemy's souls. Harvest 10 of them by killing enemies and you can shoot once for a total of 10 shots when full.
- Enemies drop Souls at different rates, some have 100% chance (bosses and very tough creatures) and some have random chances. You'll have to work for those Souls...
- Complete new sounds made from scratch by me. Secondary randomly play 1 of 4 samples when "preloading" the shot. And the shot itself has enough oomph. Proud about this.
- Trying to fire Secondary without ammo is particularly fun. Hehehehehe... (Blood's Caleb voice samples)
- Every time you switch weapons to or back this weapon, Corvus laugh, cause that sfx is just plain amazing.
- Added custom sprites for the Soul item when dropped by enemies and a custom icon for the ammo on HUD.
Current bugs:
- When out of ammo, secondary reselects weapon or change to another when trying to fire it. Trying to solve this for now. "I live, again..."
- Default Hexen hud does not show ammo type or how much ammo you have, have to use AltHud or a custom hud. I'll probably do one in the future.
- Not a bug, but the Decorate is crowded with declarations, i'll probably clean it and put some sections in other files to #include.
- Uploaded my custom mini hud if anyone likes what they see in the video. Near the end i switch weapons to show the ammo and items placement.
--== Download Link ==--
[MEGA] Akira Wand Version 0.4 Size: 376 KB
--== Recommended Mods ==--
[MEGA] Mini Mage Hud Size: 2 KB | This is my mini Hud like shown in the video, it only works with the Mage for now replacing the Fullscreen Hud (Screen Size 11).
MaxED's Widescreen HUDs for Heretic and Hexen | These are simple, use the original status bars as sprite base and support custom ammo, give it a try.
Feel free to give any feedbacks, i'm more than willing to listen and learn.