Hi everyone,
I started up a networked Hexen game today on my LAN and got a "Continuity Error". So one player would be beating up a monster and say near a tree, and the other player would see him in a completely different part of the level. And one of the machines would always run really slowly (whoever wasn't hosting). Any solutions to this?
Continuity Error
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At this time, "vanilla" wads seem nearly immune to consistency failures for coop or DM with doom/doom2. We've found a few con failures recently with zdoom wads though so I think there will be a few more things that Randy can hopefully address in the future if he's given debug files and told what was going on in game at the time of the error.
Zdoom 47i will write a text file to disk, logging network traffic between computers, if it's started with -debugfile on the command line. IIRC the file name will be debug0.txt for the host and debug1.txt etc. for clients. The files can become very large and it's necessary to send Randy each player's file, not just the host. If necessary, delete all but the last few megabytes of each file, then zip together. Stop the game right away after you see the consistency failure notice so Randy will know that the problem is near the end of the files.
As far as I know, Randy has not worked on network issues since 47i so if errors still occur with 47i they will also happen with 48.cab unless we give Randy enough information to figure out and fix the causes.
Zdoom 47i will write a text file to disk, logging network traffic between computers, if it's started with -debugfile on the command line. IIRC the file name will be debug0.txt for the host and debug1.txt etc. for clients. The files can become very large and it's necessary to send Randy each player's file, not just the host. If necessary, delete all but the last few megabytes of each file, then zip together. Stop the game right away after you see the consistency failure notice so Randy will know that the problem is near the end of the files.
As far as I know, Randy has not worked on network issues since 47i so if errors still occur with 47i they will also happen with 48.cab unless we give Randy enough information to figure out and fix the causes.
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