Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.2(30/07/2016)

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Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.2(30/07/2016)

Post by Wolfbrf »

ITS A ADD-ON for brutal doom 20b

ok, the 1 true release of my weapon pack(and monster pacK)
this mod weapons with smorth animations(most guns use more than 100 sprites/flames)

get BRUTAL ARSENAL HERE ... 2#comments

the gameplay are something related to valve games(half life, f.e.a.r..), fast, but tactical(each monster need a specific tactic to get killed).

over 44 guns with secondary or ever 3 fire modes.
new monsters with different gameplay aspect.

BRUTAL WOLF MUSIC PACK (music pack to suit the mod playstyle) ... music-pack

-fixed versions of extra hmg for starter pack and vehiclemod
-fixed bug of mounted hmg on starter pack
-balance over assault rifle and b.a.r, also smgs.
-tracer rounds for HMGs(visible tracers)
-horizontal spread for m1887(like classic doom shotgun)
-others small balance adjusts.

-New attack for cyberdemon(machine gun)
-optional New alt sprite and effects for mount heavymachinegun(starterpack,mkivvehicledemoqfix.)
-fixed grenadeshell bug(autoshotgun)
-small increase over explosion radius of grenadeshell(autoshotgun)
-Fixed the bug of M60 replace the HMG on starterpack/mkivvehicledemoqfix(and similar mods)
-better altfire for HellishMissileLauncher(like a rocketlauncher from Shogo, but sometimes can target monster)
-test weapon(BETA): sentryrockets(select claymore, press 'reload" to drop).
-others small fixes

few guns:

Code: Select all

ok, this mod is focused on intelligent action, not holf fire button and blow everything.
use your mind, you best weapon.

*each monster need a specific tactic to get killed
*the weapons are balanced, Each weapon is more effective in a given situation.
*save strong ammo for strong monsters(or big groups of weak enemies), use the weak ones on weak enemies.
*stealth weapons are made for stealth, not direct combat, these guns are limited, but efficient if you want to play as a ghost.

about weapons:

melle class:

Melee_Attacks: brass knuckles, most balanced melle, primary fire: fast jabs, secondary: strong uppercuts or cross.
reload change to fatality mod or SMASH Mode (like on default brutal doom)

Chainsaw: now its a fast chainsaw, the alt fire work like a sword.

Blaster: fire a single bur infinite plasma ball, secondary active the bullet shield(but enemies can pass the shield, also the shield never protect you agaist 100? of bullets)

Stealth_Speargun: fire a eletric spear, one hit kill monst weak enemies, only work on zombies, not demons. secondary fire active invisibility to avoid detection, but slow you down a lot.
PS: reload use the knife, one hit kill most times doing headshot(but take care to never get too close to alert your foe)

few guns:
.45 class: 

pros: pistols and smg, fast, good firehate, recoil and fast reload.
Cons: low damage, eat ammo fast

Handgun: default pistol, use silencer, good accuracy, perfect for stealth kills on close range(headshots).
secondary fire active a dual pistol(if you get other pistol), the dual remove the silencer and increase the damage and firehate, but reduce accuacy.

mac10: good firehate, accuracy, control.. alt fire active dual wield(insane firehate, good to clear small room of kill fast enemies)

ump45: good accuracy and stopping power, alt fire active aim down sight, the best .45 to use over range.
cons: slow firehate, small clipsize and the slower reload of the class.

stealth_smg(krissvector): silenced smg with good accuracy and fast firehate, but with a lack of stopping power and small clipe size, good for stealth of kill fast weak enemies.

12 gause shotgun class:

CSuperShotgun: now the super shotgun can fire 4 times with a pump action before reload, also has a strong alt fire(dragon breath rounds); the alt fire burn the normal sheells, and after burn the shells, you can burn zombies.
cons: slow reload, the alt fire consume 6 shells and has limited range, and dont work against fire demons(imps, pain elemental, macumbus..)

Spas12: the most balanced pump action shotgun, the alt fire active aim down sight, increase accuacy a bit(but with a slower firehate)

M1887: can shoot5 times with fast and accuracy spread(for a shotgun), but the slow reload can be a problem if you dont has cover.

AutoShotgun: can fire 10 times before reload, good to kill small and faster enemies, weak against the stronger ones(this shotgun do less damage per shot, also some monster has a big damage resistence against shotguns)
Stealth_shotgun: its a shotgun for stealth, headshots kill most time with one hit, or 2 bodyshots hits to kill zombies.

7.62 assault rifle class:

LightMachinegun: the B.A.R can fire 20 strong shoots with good accuracy, but has a very slow reload, good if you can cover, the alt fire is usable over range(iron sights, very small zoom with good accuracy, need skill to use).

AssaultRifle: close to medium range weapon, good firehate and 40 ammo per clip, also has holographic sights(good on medium range)
Combat_Rifle: uac combat rifle are you starter main rifle, semi-perfect accuracy, fire on burst, kill monst weak enemies with 1 or 2 burst.
cons: slow reload, fire interval betwen the bursts can be a problem agains fast enemies.

.50 armor piercing class:

HeavyMachinegun: perfect for supressive fire. the alt fire active aim down sight, with good accuracy.

ClassicMinigun: like the nam said, it work like a classic version of chaingun(default doom), good accuracy, no reload; the alt fire active the fast spin(more firehate and less accuracy)
ps: reload time drop sentry guns

Stealth_heavypistol: a modified version of DESERT EAGLE, can fire a mg .50 rounds, silenced and scoped, perfect for stealth kills over range(sniper)
V2Chaingun: its a chaingun used per chaingunguys, the alt fire shoot minirockets.

Destroyer: A STRONG rocket launcher, can fire 10 rockets before reload, alt fire shoot bound rockets(or granades, like stulltag's grenade launcher)

40mmGrenadelauncher: like a destroyer, but with 10 grenade misseles, the grenades fly fast but with less impact damage, the alt fire shoot skullgat like grenades.

ClaymoreMine: one of the most tactical weapons of the mod, it deploy mines, get too close and "boooom", perfect for ambushers, to run of enemies... the alt fire deploy sentry guns
PS:ever sentry guns os mines are good to kill invisible enemies, any spread god weapon are good to kill invisible enemy. sentry gun is a good support weapon(you need to help, not just wait the turret)

WolfHMG: its a machine gun and a launcher on one weapon, using alien pulse rifle as base(idea); primary fire shoot .50 bullets, secondary shoot grenade misseles.


M2PlasmaRifle: Its like a heavy version of plasma rifle, strong plasma balls with less firehate; alt fire shoot a piercing energy disc(good to kill a lot of foes in the same time, or to use on corridors of enclosed areas, or agaist shield enemies).

LaserGun: is the most accucary version of plasma rifle, has a small scope(camera), the recoil can be a problem, just fire on burst to kill foes over range.

Cold_heart: its a sniper rifle of energy class, cause a small ice explosion, can frozzen everthing over explosion range.
cons: reload after 5 shots.

PulseRifleM2: using halflife2 pulse rifle as idea base, the primary fire shoot accurated energy trails, secondary a bounch energy ball(but with ice damage).

strong energy weapons(bfs):

BFG9K(classic), BHGen(blackhole), BFG2704(alpha bfg), GantzCrusher(gravity gun from gantz),
all are bfg, nothing much to talk, just play the game and see how each work.


Plasmabug: its like a weak version of skulltag bfg, more like a assault rifle or a linkgun, this monster can generate compressive energy with accuracy.
alt fire: explosive stunner ball, this gravitacional eletromagnetic anomaly(what?) can thown mosnter away, and dismember everything.
Unmaker: primary fire can shoot bouch energy balls, secondary allow you to summon Demons, the demons fight for their master(you) and never attack you.

Spore_Launcher: primary fire shoot a acid ball, the ball stick on enemies, alt fire detonate the balls.

Barnacle: primary attack is a melle attack, you can heat foes(not robots) to regenerate some heath(if you has demoniac ammo), alt fire summon flyers(attack everything, weak but good to make distractions)

SPECIAL: these weapons use one specif ammo, these ammos are droped sometimes for a specif enemy.

AWP: strong sniper rifle with piercing rounds(piercing monsters, can hit 1 or more, like counter strike), reload after 4 shoots.

FlakCannon: its work like a mastermind main weapon, eat ammo a lot, but very strong

FlameCannon: perfect for close range, also can shoot fireballs

HellishMissileLauncher: homming mini rocket launcher

Revolver357:strong revolver

CrosSbow: scoped crossbow with explosive rounds

Stealth_Speargun: yes, this gun fit this category, just a few enemies drop the spears/arrows, but the reload fire also make this weapon to work like a melle weapon.

Enemies? yes, all monsters get a up on stats, attacks, abilities; no more dumb monsters wainting to get killers, the monsters know how to fight, ever the zombieman can be a problem.
i dont want to talk much about enemies, the fun part is you play the mod and find yourself the best tactic to kill each, many ways to get the same objective; get the best part of each weapon for each situation.

this mod has new monters? yes.

minigunzombieman; laserzombieman, riflecommando, rail revenant, zombie flyer, tanks, plasma tank, uac robot, evil marines(a lot of variations with different weapon set), riot revolver, riot shotgun, riot LMG...
like i said, the default monsters get a up, anyway, each monster is new.

have fun.

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Last edited by Wolfbrf on Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:56 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 (no more beta)

Post by JimpArgon »

This looks pretty cool! Im going to test out a little later on tonight.

*Edit* Ok.... I cannot get this to run at all. I have tried in ZDoom 2.8.1 (The latest Zdoom) GZdoom, GZdoom dev, Zandronum..... Nothing is working. I read the readme file included and it specifically said to use "Zdoom". I loaded Brutal Doom 20b first then your wep mod.... I get this error.


Are you using an older version of Zdoom? And if so, how are you running brutal doom on it? I thought after v19 brutal doom was only compatible with Zandronum? And I come to that conclusion because of the errors I would get trying to load it in GZdoom. Anyways. Help would be appreciated.
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 (no more beta)

Post by Wolfbrf »

my zdoom are the same version, but here work fine. i fixed the problem (missing '{'')(crtl+x + crtlv of cyberknight gore from project brutality), sorry. : ).
new version with fix now. please test it,
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 (no more beta)

Post by JimpArgon »

Ok.... Again with pretty much the same error about the zombieman.


I don't understand how you are able to play this on Zdoom without getting the same errors as me. I don't know if operating systems have anything to do with anything.... But I have Windows 7. Again, not sure that helps

This is the order I am launching them btw.
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 (no more beta)

Post by Wolfbrf »

new version seem ok, i fixed most problens (i think), most are compatibility problems with project brutality stuffs.
Sorry for the inconvenience
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 fixe2 (now work

Post by JimpArgon »

Cool, this version managed to work! Just played around with the first level. Not bad so far! I do have one question though, and that is.....
Why do the grey doom marines shoot the other enemies? I can hear them fighting with the other monsters before I approach a room that they are in. And as soon as they are done shooting any monsters (that is if they survive) they start shooting me. I don't know if this was intentional or not, but I found it rather odd.

*Edit* Came across some bugs I would like to address.

- Chainsaw is way too shaky. Intentional or not, you should remove the screen shake all together. Its just annoying and makes me not what to use it.
- Speaking of chainsaws.... This weapons alt fire I believe is supposed to be some sort of flies? But they are invisible. Except when there is an enemy nearby, then you see its not flies.... But chainsaw hands. It just looks stupid and needs to be fixed.
- This weapons primary fire works just fine, but its alt fire resurrects enemies and they just start shooting you. I don't like it. I believe the resurrected enemies should be your allies either for a temporary amount of time, or until they die again. And if you go with a temporary amount of time route, they should die again as soon as their time is up.
- This pretty cool shotgun is one of the only weapons that is really finicky about switching between iron sights and back. I don't know why this is the only weapon that is like this....

- This cool shotgun has issues between switching back and forth between regular ammo and dragons breath ammo.... It will load the shells but unless I keep right clicking until I see the text on screen.... The ammo will not change back and forth.
- Not sure if this weapon has an alt fire or not, but when I right click. The weapon just slightly moves a little but nothing happens.
- This crossbow is pretty cool, but my only complaint is I think the slowed movement should be the other way around. If you are going to have slow movement speed, it should only happen if you are charging your shot. Not when you are cloaked.
Other then some of the weapons with issues, not bad! I actually enjoyed all the weapons that are here and hope you tend to keep them all in future updates. Good luck and I look forward to an update in the near future.
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 fixe2 (now work

Post by Wolfbrf »

about gray evil marines: in original half life, the black suit soldiers fight monsters and the player; his mission is simples, "kill them all", no evidence. on this mod, these marines has similar mission, others marines has joined demon forces(for this reason you fight marines sometimes)

about chainsaw shacke: on original brutal doom, the screen shake, its a realistic feel to hold a too fast and strong chainsaw.

barnacle is a bug, sprites with the same name, im going to fix it(before i make a new chainsaw, this weapon seem fine, the problem are the sprite sets with a same name. today i want to release a new version

UNMAKER ressurrect work fine if you use it on allies(dead marines) or some enemies like nazis, on vanilla doom this gun work fine(ville staff), maybe the gore cause the problems, i dont know how to fix it.

about super shotgun: the alt fire burn the sheel, for this reason you cant unburn it, hehe. also its a strong alt fire to clear small rooms

on future version, i can improve the iron sight of auto shotgun, also balance this gun a bit more(overpowerd on some situations, maybe increase the spread or reduce ammo per clip)

the spore launcher(this green monster) work like a remote mine, primary fire shoot the greem acid balls, secondary detonate the acid balls.

the spear gun are a stealth weapon, the alt fire turn you invisible, but reduce your mov speed(if you walk fast invisible, the enemies can see you, its like a crysis logic, you need to move slow to still invisible); its for balance and prevent abuse(end all the game invisible is easy); to couter abuse, you become visible after each shoot. use this gun for silent and stealth kill,, kill one enemy per time and avoid detection.

also, thanks
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 fixe2 (now work

Post by JimpArgon »

Wolfbrf wrote:about gray evil marines: in original half life, the black suit soldiers fight monsters and the player; his mission is simples, "kill them all", no evidence.
Ah ok. I understand now.
Wolfbrf wrote: about chainsaw shacke: on original brutal doom, the screen shake, its a realistic feel to hold a too fast and strong chainsaw.
Well theres a reason he removed the screen shake.... Its because he probably found it to be annoying as well. Also, theres nothing really "realistic" about this weapons pack. So I ask, why bother making the chainsaw have an annoying feature to be more "realistic"? Its ok if you wish to keep it this way, but I will just not ever use the chainsaw.
Wolfbrf wrote: barnacle is a bug, sprites with the same name, im going to fix it(before i make a new chainsaw, this weapon seem fine, the problem are the sprite sets with a same name. today i want to release a new version
Ya the primary fire wasn't the issue, its the invisible alt fire (flies?). Also the sound of the (flies?) never goes away its kinda annoying hearing that for extended periods of time.
Wolfbrf wrote: UNMAKER ressurrect work fine if you use it on allies(dead marines) or some enemies like nazis, on vanilla doom this gun work fine(ville staff), maybe the gore cause the problems, i dont know how to fix it.
I never said it didn't work. I think its not working correctly.... I mean why have something that can resurrect enemies? If the purpose is to resurrect allies, why not just make the weapon only work on dead marines? Or do what I had suggested and make it so that whatever you choose to resurrect becomes your ally? It just doesn't make sense to resurrect enemies that will immediately start shooting you upon revival. Again, this is my opinion. Kinda a take it or leave it kind of thing.
Wolfbrf wrote: about super shotgun: the alt fire burn the sheel, for this reason you cant unburn it, hehe. also its a strong alt fire to clear small rooms
Actually you can. Like I said above if you keep right clicking fast enough. You can switch back and forth between ammo. I just thought it was a bug having to go about it that way.
Wolfbrf wrote: on future version, i can improve the iron sight of auto shotgun, also balance this gun a bit more(overpowerd on some situations, maybe increase the spread or reduce ammo per clip)
Good, cause toggling the iron sights on this one was kinda a pain. Glad to know you will be fixing that.
Wolfbrf wrote: the spore launcher(this green monster) work like a remote mine, primary fire shoot the greem acid balls, secondary detonate the acid balls.
Ah ok. I thought it was like unreal tournament where you just shot enough of them close together and they exploded. Good to know its more like Demoman's stickybomb launcher. Alt fire = Boom.
Wolfbrf wrote: the spear gun are a stealth weapon, the alt fire turn you invisible, but reduce your mov speed(if you walk fast invisible, the enemies can see you, its like a crysis logic, you need to move slow to still invisible); its for balance and prevent abuse(end all the game invisible is easy); to couter abuse, you become visible after each shoot. use this gun for silent and stealth kill,, kill one enemy per time and avoid detection.
Well is there any way you can slightly improve the players walk speed then? At his current state he moves slower then a turtle while cloaked.
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 fixe2 (now work

Post by Wolfbrf »

the new version is out, the bugs and small balance problems are solved.
-reduce the spawn chance of rocket zombies
-fixed the barnacle bug(no more chainsaw summon, lol)
-reduce the damage and speed of evilmarines altfire(ice ball)
-give proper credits to 2 guns(karasawa and flyers)
-fixed barnacle sound(no more chainsaw hit sound)
I never said it didn't work. I think its not working correctly.... I mean why have something that can resurrect enemies? If the purpose is to resurrect allies, why not just make the weapon only work on dead marines? Or do what I had suggested and make it so that whatever you choose to resurrect becomes your ally? It just doesn't make sense to resurrect enemies that will immediately start shooting you upon revival. Again, this is my opinion. Kinda a take it or leave it kind of thing.
on original idea, all enemies ressurrect as allie, but on brutal doom, it dont work, i dont know how to fix it. if someone know how to fix it, in next version this gun can turn most monsters allies(a least the weak ones, ressurrect a cyberdemon or a gigant spider seem unfair).
but for now, it only work on allies and some monster, but on next version(if i can fix) this gun can ressurrect most monsters
Actually you can. Like I said above if you keep right clicking fast enough. You can switch back and forth between ammo. I just thought it was a bug having to go about it that way.
it going to be fixed, thanks to advice, for now, i fixed the big problems(fly chainsaw).
Well is there any way you can slightly improve the players walk speed then? At his current state he moves slower then a turtle while cloaked.
no, test ion on doom2 map06(go to console "map map06) with this gun, tou can see the invisibility working very well, its possible to kill most monster on these room only using the speargun.

on revenant you can use brute force(last monster), or kill most monster on these room and finish the remain using brute force.

you know "Hideous Destructor mod"?, yes, i made stealth guns to work on this way, all stealth guns arent made for direct combat, they are limited, but efficienty to avoid detection. on close range, the pistol allow 1 or 2 hit kills doing headshoots, the stealth_heavypistol are a alt sniperrifle, the stealth smg kill fast doing headshots or ever bodyshoots on closerange, stealth shotgun can do 1 or 2 hit kill on bodyshots, ever the spore launcher can be used to stealth kills(fixe the acid ball on all foes, the acid never alert monster, just the explosions).

these weapons were made for fans of metal guear, splinter cell, ghost recon, raibow six, assassin creed...

also, the scoped crossbow fire explosive rounds and work better for direct attack, maybe you can like more this version(not the stealth one)

-removed shake screen for chainsaw
-reduced damage of enemy's freezeball(no more ripper or one hit kill for unarmored player)
-unmaker now summon friend demon(i know, the ressurrect dont work, maybe its a problem of randowspawn system)
-fixed ironsight for autoshotgun
-spider mastermind now can use shotgun attack(like a classic version).
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 fixe3 (now work

Post by Nocturned85 »

Hello. Want to stop in and say this is a very fun and tough mod. Would like to throw out there that I use Zdoom, computer can't handle Gzdoom for complicated reasons. I had some run ins with past versions of this mod and played those a bit. I gave this mod another go through with some maps like Maps of Chaos/Brutalized levels, Scythe 1 and 2, Freedoom, and a few others and the mod delivers the whole "enemies need strategy to overcome" very well, a little too well. I love the fire fights and challenge some of the earlier levels through out, but holy god the feeling of clearing a single room feels rewarding. The spoils of war, claiming their items after the fight.

Pros +

+Weapon Assortment. Plenty of them, I like that. Some users don't favor having extra weapons if they aren't going to use them anyway or if they share the same ammo type. But that's the fun in experimenting.

+The enemies. The enemies give you a sense of dread when there are few or more in the same room.

+Compatibility. Running this with different maps or megawads gives this a bigger chance to re-doing the maps for the challenge.

Cons -

-Some weapons feel awkward to use. I don't know what it is but sometimes when I'm using the chaingun it just stops and places a turret infront of me. I set the "R" key to reload to see if it does need reloading and pondered it might have been a second ability or something. I thought for sure I could only put down a turret if I switch to claymores and use the right mouse button to place one down. The browning machine gun has an iron sight issue where I try to aim down but for some reason is fighting with me to get out of it, kind of like a mini zoom then goes back out of it.

-Ammo icons. What goes to what exactly? I run over the same few ammo types like the banana clip and some reason some of the weapons share that ammo icon, but not the same ammo per say. Pistol/Uzi/SMG use the black clip/magazine, shotguns use shells, but for some reason the assault rifles, chaingun, crossbow use the same ammo icon but don't share.

-Reloading/Ammo Counter. Okay, we know firearms need reloading but some firearms take ages to reload like the starting assault rifle. I know this mod is going for tactical and smart fighting but I would like to have some edge knowing how much is in the clip/magazine. Sure I can count my rounds but I can reload as many times as I want too.

-Loading after dying. For some reason, after I died to the Warden I tried to load the game again only for the console to say it can't find the game.

Other than that. A very nice and challenging wad.
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 fixe2 (now work

Post by JimpArgon »

Wolfbrf wrote: Fix4
-removed shake screen for chainsaw
-reduced damage of enemy's freezeball(no more ripper or one hit kill for unarmored player)
-unmaker now summon friend demon(i know, the ressurrect dont work, maybe its a problem of randowspawn system)
-fixed ironsight for autoshotgun
-spider mastermind now can use shotgun attack(like a classic version).
I like the improved updates. However it seems you took out that powerful shotgun.


I see you posted that you fixed the ironsight for it, but its not showing up in game.... Anyways. Keep up the good work.
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix4

Post by Wolfbrf »

-Some weapons feel awkward to use. I don't know what it is but sometimes when I'm using the chaingun it just stops and places a turret infront of me.
the classicminigun work like a classic doom chaingun(no reload), the reload active the 3 firemode: deploy turrent, reason? maybe some players dont like the mines, but liked the turrent, for this reason you can use the classic minigun to deploy turrents.
The browning machine gun has an iron sight issue where I try to aim down but for some reason is fighting with me to get out of it, kind of like a mini zoom then goes back out of it.[/quote/
i can take a look on this, but here work fine, just the autoshotgun still with zoom problem.

[quote}Ammo icons.
this mod only use icon of brutal doom, yes, need more icons. but a simple way to understand how ammo system work:

.45: all pistols and smg(usp, kriss, mac10.. all are .45 on real life).
7.62: its a ammo for all assault rifles: b.a.r, assault rifle and uac combat rifle use this ammo.
.50: its a ammo for all heavymachine guns or miniguns, also stealth_heavypistol(silenced Desert eagle, ists a .50 pistol)
12 gauge: shotguns
rocket: all explosive weapons
plasma: all energy weapons
demoniac: all biologic weapons(mosnters)

minirockets:alt fire of some guns, also a revenant main ammo
flamer: flamer weapon
338: awm
.357: revolver
explosive: crossbow, frak cannon (explosive bullets, not rockets or grenades)
arrow: speargun
-Reloading/Ammo Counter. Okay, we know firearms need reloading but some firearms take ages to reload like the starting assault rifle
the uac combat rifle are made for medium to long range, for this reason its has semi-perfect accuacy, but long reload time, the assault rifle work better to medium to close range(40 ammo per clip) or ever a b.a.r for small rooms of chaingunners. smg and pistols work better on closer range(less damage, but fast reload) or shotguns(if you use cover) or miniguns(but save some ammo for heavy monsters).
-Loading after dying. For some reason, after I died to the Warden I tried to load the game again only for the console to say it can't find the game.
i can give a look on this
I like the improved updates. However it seems you took out that powerful shotgun.
still on the game, but with less ammo per clip(12), reason? overpoerd and the others shotguns become obsolet after get this gun, now seem fair(this shotgun do less damage, but can be perfect to clear small rooms of kill fast monsters or spread).
Some users don't favor having extra weapons if they aren't going to use them anyway or if they share the same ammo type. But that's the fun in experimenting.
the weapons can use the same ammo, but has different use: example: assault rifles: close-medium range, medium-long range, support; heavy: iron sights(defensive and supressive fire), grenade launcher(demolitions), no reload(fighting a lot of enemies) or stealth(stealth_heavypoistol).

each gun has a specific use, i want to add more, but these new guns need to add something new to the gameplay(not another version of
something that already exists).
also, thanks for the words guys : )
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix4

Post by Wolfbrf »

-more balance over guns and monsters
-barnacle primary fire dont consume ammo(life drain)
-reduce ammo consumition for plasmabug and Coldheart
-increased zoom for stealth_shotgun(now, its a good stealth weapon for medium range)
-increased firehate and recoil for mac10
-more accuracy for handgun, plasmabug and crossbow
-revomed delay of speargun
-reduced recoil of assault rifle
-some balance on cacodemon and zombie_flyer
-strong monsters has more chance to drop good items(if you never avoid fights, your reward will be Increased)
-small bug fixes


About weapons, i has few ideas:
Flashbang: no damage, just stunn per few secs.

Thermal assault rifle:yes, ar to allow to see on dark, i neee to study decorate and maybe acs to do it; it seem a nice adction if allow players to see invisible monsters(with it, i can add more sthealt monsters whinout problem).

Lucifer cannon: slow moving energy ball, secondary is a changed attack with very small explosion radius but insane damage(like on tremulous, a quake3 mod).

It just ideas, gor now i want to fix most bugs and inprove the balance for fair and fun gameplay
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix4

Post by JimpArgon »

Wolfbrf wrote:Fixe6:
-barnacle primary fire dont consume ammo(life drain)
That's not working right. Still takes ammo. Not life.

The "fuck yourself taunt" is not working properly. He just shows his fist. No middle finger. It looks stupid.
The iron sights for that powerful shotgun we talked about before is worse then its ever been before. Requiring multiple right clicks to either go into or get out of iron sights.
The BFG when using primary fire, flashes twice before fireing. Also I think the primary fire should be the alt fire and vice versa... Having the normal BFG shot as an alt fire is just weird. Then agin, that's just a personal thing I guess.

Please don't take offence when I ask you this, but I honestly want to know. Do you even test your fixes/updates before releasing them? It seems that if you did you would have immediately noticed the issues with the shotguns iron sights, the barnacle gun not using health, and the weird taunt. As for the flashing twice BFG thing. (That might have been intentional, but it just looks like its not supposed to be doing that.)

Anyways I will be testing/trying your future updates. Good luck.
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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix6

Post by Wolfbrf »

That's not working right. Still takes ammo. Not life.

The "fuck yourself taunt" is not working properly. He just shows his fist. No middle finger. It looks stupid.
i tested now on 2 source ports: zdoom and doom tounch, and work well. barnacle is monster with melle attack(primary) and the alt fire can summon flyers. the primary attack can regen some heath after each hit.
The "fuck yourself taunt" is not working properly. He just shows his fist. No middle finger. It looks stupid.
i dont care much about tauts, these are uselles most times, in future version, maybe i can replace it with something better(flashbangs, radio to teleport friend marines....); doomguy seem a serius guys(dont talk much, just complete the mission).
The BFG when using primary fire, flashes twice before fireing. Also I think the primary fire should be the alt fire and vice versa... Having the normal BFG shot as an alt fire is just weird. Then agin, that's just a personal thing I guess.
its a "alpha" bfg, from alpha version of doom, ok, the original bfg dont has this problem, but these bug is intentional; the alpha version dont work wery well, and instead of firing a giant ball of energy, fires several smaller ones. the alt fire shoot the big one, but it take some time to explode after collision. anyway, its a beta bfg.
Do you even test your fixes/updates before releasing them?
i test it on several wads(maps) to see how all stuffs work, based on that I will calmly balance stuffs; i edit the mod alone with my small free time(decorate, sprite rips...), for this reason the possibility of bugs may be higher.

i know the problem of shotgun, i see the code a lot of time and i cant find the problem, yes, is much better to make a weapon of "0", it seem the best thing to do. a least the autoshotgun altfire dont has much use(just remove recoil, and the default recoil It is already very low), or i can remove the aimdown sight and replace it with a better altfire(maybe a fast burst fire)

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