[3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

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[3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by CeeJay »

An old mod of mine that came to life sometime back in 2010. 'twas a interesting year in my life going through a tragic loss (two of 'em, actually), modding kept me occupied and prevented my brain from slipping into a coma. A lot of mods and half-baked ideas sprung into existence around that year. I recently dug this turkey up and spent some time polishing and improving upon it, on and off between 2015 and 2016, to make it presentable and bringing it to working order. So what is it? No big deal really, just a Marathon 2 weapons/gameplay mod. But it's quite fun, especially that M2 shotgun.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/v4xmi ... ARDOOM.WAD

Bungie, Inc.
id Software
Paranoid Productions (Damage Incorporated)
Ian McConville (Marathon: RED)
The EVIL Group (Marathon: Evil)
Last edited by CeeJay on Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod

Post by -Ghost- »

Nice work, the Marathon weapons are always fun to play with.
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod

Post by CeeJay »

Alrighty, I believe it's presentable now.

http://www.mediafire.com/download/v4xmi ... ARDOOM.WAD

Some things to note:

2) Unlike Marathon, the scope on the pistol can be used (zoom)
3) The Missile Launcher is not widescreen-friendly, kinda hoping someone could help me with that
4) The Alien Weapon is cheat-only
5) Dual wielding is a little wonky in comparision to the Marathon games (it's technically still one single weapon)

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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod RELEASED

Post by chronoteeth »

how'd you create the actual kickback in edge? Im looking at the RTS script and it seems really simple but I just cant wrap my head around it

Also is it applicable but to move forward instead of backwards?
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod RELEASED

Post by CeeJay »

When called for the RTS script makes the player enter one of the following states in THINGS.DDF:


Where MOVE_FWD is pretty self-explanatory (positive forward and negative backwards).
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod RELEASED

Post by chronoteeth »

ah the actual kickback i get, its the RTS thats still getting me

i wonder if its possible to have it directional based. hold a button and sorta dash in that direction with a button press, but theres no move_left or right yet

either way good mod!!! very accurate
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod RELEASED

Post by CeeJay »

RTS command: THING_EVENT OUR_HERO KICKBACK1 (calls for a state labeled KICKBACK1 belonging to OUR_HERO in THINGS.DDF)
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by CeeJay »


New item replacements
Hitscan weapons now technically shoot projectiles
Lots of weapon tweaks
Menu sounds

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/v4xmi ... ARDOOM.WAD
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by TheLightBad96 »

I am loving the mod so far and being a fan of the marathon games it is nice seeing a gameplay mod that lets you use Marathon 2's weapons but i do have a couple of questions first.

I noticed that you have also listed a couple of Marathon 2 Mods/TCs in the description ( Marathon RED and EVIL) so are you planning on adding some of the weapons from those TC's into the mod ?

The KKV-7 Flechette Gun is not in the mod, is this planned for a later release?

And eventually will there be an extra patch which has the enemies from Marathon 2/Infinity?
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by General Tacticus »

As a massive marathon nut, I always enjoy seeing a good marathon mod. Sadly I'm not on a computer that can run 3dge at the moment, so heres my thoughts based on the screenshots and the wad file:

Good idea to use the Marathon: Red armor sprites, I wouldn't have thought of that.

-The shotgun firing animation (like all animations) assumes the gun jumps up the screen when fired(it was a feature of marathon's hud system), so the frame where the shotgun dips down before reloading looks out of place without that effect. It is a good idea to remember that for all of the weapons.

-Is there a reason you used different sprites for the smoke and blood? Just curious, I don't know anything about 3dge modding.

-spnkr goes on the other side of the screen, unless you are correcting for handedness. (I could see it going either way) Also, should be way further to the side.

Aside from that, this is looking pretty slick. Keep up the good work, I can see this being good for building maps around. Cheers!
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by CeeJay »

The Thing Thing wrote:I noticed that you have also listed a couple of Marathon 2 Mods/TCs in the description ( Marathon RED and EVIL) so are you planning on adding some of the weapons from those TC's into the mod ?
There is already resources from those used in the mod. Gatling gun, clip and armour sprites, etc.
The Thing Thing wrote:The KKV-7 Flechette Gun is not in the mod, is this planned for a later release?
It wasn't introduced until the third game and to be honest I was never a fan of it. Neither the design or its functionality.
The Thing Thing wrote:And eventually will there be an extra patch which has the enemies from Marathon 2/Infinity?
Not at this time.

General Tacticus wrote:-The shotgun firing animation (like all animations) assumes the gun jumps up the screen when fired(it was a feature of marathon's hud system), so the frame where the shotgun dips down before reloading looks out of place without that effect. It is a good idea to remember that for all of the weapons.
I was thinking of that, but I have no idea what the offsets would be. We'll see.
General Tacticus wrote:-Is there a reason you used different sprites for the smoke and blood? Just curious, I don't know anything about 3dge modding.
In some cases I had to use different resources to get around clipping issues, in other cases it was just some creative liberty.
General Tacticus wrote:-spnkr goes on the other side of the screen, unless you are correcting for handedness. (I could see it going either way) Also, should be way further to the side.
Yeah, always looked wrong to me so I switched it around since all others guns are right handed.
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by SiFi270 »

If you're planning on changing the sprites for every pickup item, then might I suggest borrowing a few from Marathon's predecessor, Pathways Into Darkness? Its blue potion, for example, could replace the health bonus, like how id based the original health bonus sprites on the healing potions in their Catacomb series. Additionally, I think the alien weapon's superior range and alt-fire would make it a better BFG substitute than the flamethrower, which could maybe randomly appear where the player would normally find a fusion pistol. I don't know, maybe the lack of ammo pickups for the alien weapon would complicate that, but I still felt it was worth suggesting.
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by CeeJay »

SiFi270 wrote:If you're planning on changing the sprites for every pickup item, then might I suggest borrowing a few from Marathon's predecessor, Pathways Into Darkness? Its blue potion, for example, could replace the health bonus, like how id based the original health bonus sprites on the healing potions in their Catacomb series.
I believe the art style of Pathways Into Darkness is drastically different, but I'll look into it.
SiFi270 wrote:Additionally, I think the alien weapon's superior range and alt-fire would make it a better BFG substitute than the flamethrower, which could maybe randomly appear where the player would normally find a fusion pistol. I don't know, maybe the lack of ammo pickups for the alien weapon would complicate that, but I still felt it was worth suggesting.
Originally the Alien Weapon WAS a BFG replacement, but it just didn't seem right. I could have it occasionally spawn in the place of the Fusion Pistol but this would present a few problems. Maybe have it replace one of the power ups.

EDIT: Technically the Flamethrower is far more powerful than either the Fusion Pistol or Alien Weapon.
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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by General Tacticus »

A good source for alternate pickup sprites would be the Marathon 1 shapefile. It has several things that were never used, in a addition to the multiple Biobus Power-up chips.

items->bitmap 19 would make a good armor shard, for example.
The marathon 2 alpha version also had an alternate health canister sprite set.

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Re: [3DGE] Marathon 2 gameplay mod UPDATED

Post by CeeJay »

I think a few of those may be of use. Thanks for the tip and link.

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