Spoiler:Download: ... ARDOOM.WAD
Bungie, Inc.
id Software
Paranoid Productions (Damage Incorporated)
Ian McConville (Marathon: RED)
The EVIL Group (Marathon: Evil)
Spoiler:Download: ... ARDOOM.WAD
There is already resources from those used in the mod. Gatling gun, clip and armour sprites, etc.The Thing Thing wrote:I noticed that you have also listed a couple of Marathon 2 Mods/TCs in the description ( Marathon RED and EVIL) so are you planning on adding some of the weapons from those TC's into the mod ?
It wasn't introduced until the third game and to be honest I was never a fan of it. Neither the design or its functionality.The Thing Thing wrote:The KKV-7 Flechette Gun is not in the mod, is this planned for a later release?
Not at this time.The Thing Thing wrote:And eventually will there be an extra patch which has the enemies from Marathon 2/Infinity?
I was thinking of that, but I have no idea what the offsets would be. We'll see.General Tacticus wrote:-The shotgun firing animation (like all animations) assumes the gun jumps up the screen when fired(it was a feature of marathon's hud system), so the frame where the shotgun dips down before reloading looks out of place without that effect. It is a good idea to remember that for all of the weapons.
In some cases I had to use different resources to get around clipping issues, in other cases it was just some creative liberty.General Tacticus wrote:-Is there a reason you used different sprites for the smoke and blood? Just curious, I don't know anything about 3dge modding.
Yeah, always looked wrong to me so I switched it around since all others guns are right handed.General Tacticus wrote:-spnkr goes on the other side of the screen, unless you are correcting for handedness. (I could see it going either way) Also, should be way further to the side.
I believe the art style of Pathways Into Darkness is drastically different, but I'll look into it.SiFi270 wrote:If you're planning on changing the sprites for every pickup item, then might I suggest borrowing a few from Marathon's predecessor, Pathways Into Darkness? Its blue potion, for example, could replace the health bonus, like how id based the original health bonus sprites on the healing potions in their Catacomb series.
Originally the Alien Weapon WAS a BFG replacement, but it just didn't seem right. I could have it occasionally spawn in the place of the Fusion Pistol but this would present a few problems. Maybe have it replace one of the power ups.SiFi270 wrote:Additionally, I think the alien weapon's superior range and alt-fire would make it a better BFG substitute than the flamethrower, which could maybe randomly appear where the player would normally find a fusion pistol. I don't know, maybe the lack of ammo pickups for the alien weapon would complicate that, but I still felt it was worth suggesting.