This is just depressing.
I loved Wolf:TNO and Fire Emblem: IF (or Fates I guess), I've yet to play any game in the Yakuza series thoughwildweasel wrote:You're not really seeing the entire picture if all you're looking at is mascot platformers. Looking at other genres, I'd suggest that Wolfenstein: The New Order is every bit a worthy successor to its predecessors, the latest Fire Emblem games are the best the series has ever been by far...hell, Yakuza 5 blows the socks off its prequels, which are still pretty awesome anyway! I'd say we still have plenty of room for this generation to be pretty damned cool.
And if it's specifically mascot platforming you're after, why not look at some of the alternatives out there? Freedom Planet is pretty much "the best Sonic game never made," Shovel Knight takes a lot of cues from classic Capcom...hell, you might even be interested in the Shantae games.
i did not say that i thought video games where crapKinsie wrote:Actually, I think you'll find that videogames are good.
THIS! This is the problem with gaming these days!Graf Zahl wrote:Welcome to the world of big budgets and the risk-reduction management this induces. Take any bean counter who has to greenlight spending this much money and they'll all got the route of least resistance, which is inevitably a sequel to a successful title, if you get a franchise you hit a gold mine.
Of course that kills creativity just as much as with movies - and I am already getting tired by what Hollywood has been producing over the last years.