What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

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What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by ZioMcCall »

This mod is very famous in my country for his satirical content against our medias and the Catholic world.I'm not a moralist or a religious and i admit i laughed much when i saw this mod for the first time,but the background under his develempoment is highly questionable.

I want know what you think about this mod and especialy how is see from a not-italian who don't know our medias and our local vip.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by BFG »

just loads of stolen stuff, there is even some sprites I made that somehow made it' way into it.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by Reactor »

Ugh. Grezzo 2. Nasty.
Well, first of all, the great majority of the stuff inside is outright stolen. It seems to me that the creator just downloaded almost every single WAD, ripped resources from it until it suited his needs, and then whacked together Grezzo 2 as some sort of weird mockery. Secondly, he tried to actually sell his creation for money, until some guys from this forum wrote some love-letters to him, insisting him to think otherwise. And third...well...Grezzo 2 was obviously meant to be a joke-wad, and to be honest, it's mildly better than Terrywads and Giulio Glassyman's maps, as there are no obscene jokes, toilet humor, and one doesn't need to staple his ass shut while playing it because of the buttrape jokes, however, it's still far from making me laugh. It tries too hard to be funny, and thus, fails. I think the author absolutely had no concept how to make a good jokewad - he just threw in a weird mish-mash of crap, hoping that it'll make someone smile.
As for criticizing religion or Catholicism, there's nothing wrong with that if it's made in a really funny way. Once again, a good jokewad has standards, this doesn't have any.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by scalliano »

Yeah, my stuff is in there, too. In fact, if you've ever made anything for Doom that wasn't specifically a map, then it WILL be in there, guaranteed. I must say, though, getting all that stuff to work together is an impressive feat in and of itself.

Still, not my bag. And the fact the "author" originally tried to charge money for it just makes the taste in my mouth even more sour.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Reactor.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by Reactor »

Hehe :) you know what they say...early bird catches the worm! :D

I can't even imagine what Grezzo 3 will be. Maybe the author will get a decent sense of humor by then? Hopefully yes, I really enjoy good jokewads.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

it'd be funny if some of my MIDIs was in it. otherwise, i don't even remember this thing aside from the name and possibly the "charging money for this" bit, so color me unimpressed about this.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by Big C »

I never even heard about the "charging money" bit. Geez, how low can the author get?
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by |ndußtrial »

ZioMcCall wrote:This mod is very famous in my country for his satirical content against our medias and the Catholic world.I'm not a moralist or a religious and i admit i laughed much when i saw this mod for the first time,but the background under his develempoment is highly questionable.

I want know what you think about this mod and especialy how is see from a not-italian who don't know our medias and our local vip.
looking at the replies, i think the biggest problems anyone has was would be the wide-ranging resource theft and the attempt at commercialization; to people not familiar with italian society, i suppose there's not much to relate to

who knows, maybe the production values and strange distribution attempt were part of the message?
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by ZioMcCall »

Yeah,the principal cause because i hate this mod is because he tried to gain money from a mod(in my country they say is a "game",WTF?A game who use a stolen and old port like Skulltag and use Freedoom like base?)For the rest,i see that a lot of people in foreign countries play it because remind them a strange union between "Brutal Doom" and "Russian Overkill".
The only way for make you laugh and be into into the italian society or you'll never laugh for this mod.Even if the great part of this humorism consist in a great numbers of blasphemies.I don't know if in America there is an equivalent balsphemie of our "Porco dio" or "Madonna puttana".(I admit that i ever cry one of these when i lost a deathmatch for one point or an logic decorate don't work on my mod).The creator don't tried to sell only the work of a great number of the members of this group,but even the images of the voices of our local vip,like some TV presentators like Mike Bongiorno,singers like Vasco Rossi or yotubers like Matteo Montesi,who gave the voices to the priest and he is in real life a mad religious man,who live even in my region(For who don't know,Italy is divided between twenty regions,like Great Britain or Spain).For last,the creator,Nicola Piro,i saw that he is a great son of bitch,even worst of SGT_MARK_IV.He insulted every person who critics his mod and he tentative to sell his horrible product.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by Oberron »

You're just not whisling Dixie, you STEALER! Actually, I HATE this mod and I am not playing it, it is completely rubbish. DO NOT DOWNLOAD!
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by ZioMcCall »

Oberron wrote:You're just not whisling Dixie, you STEALER! Actually, I HATE this mod and I am not playing it, it is completely rubbish. DO NOT DOWNLOAD!
Agree.3 gb of shit.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by CWolf »


BTW that moment in hidden church, when Maria comin' to ya from nowhere... yak, what a great choice of music, bwah!
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by ZioMcCall »


BTW that moment in hidden church, when Maria comin' to ya from nowhere... yak, what a great choice of music, bwah!
Some musics are musical remix of Matteo montesi's videos.

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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by Doomguy 2000 »

I'll agree that Grezzo 2 sucks. He steals content without giving credit, has mediocre gameplay, looks like a mess with hundreds of different errors from what I'd imagine, and worse of all the author still made money off of other people's work even though you can download it for free. That's just a short summary on what I think about Grezzo 2.
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Re: What you think about "Grezzo 2-A magic adventure"?

Post by Captain J »

ahh yes, grezzo due. it was sure bad, mediocre, offensive, disgusting yet largely thieved mod that included some of my weapons without any mentions.

...but hey, it's still hilarious and funny as hell. i just laughed the hell out of listing the protagonist's voice. just listen to his laughing, it just gets it.

anyway yeah, the author will pay about the massive thieving somehow.

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