Old News
Lesson learned. Don't say "Finished" until you've playtested exhaustively. This is version 1.1. All the principle stuff has been finished, any bugs I have found, fixed. And, last but not least, I took some advice from earlier posters. And some influence from Beed28's Heretic Unabridged http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=51718. The areas will now have area names when entering. This is also used to refer to specific subareas in Shores, so that the E2M6 hub makes more sense. The game will autosave when collecting keys, or opening final area doors. The secret levels are now marked as hidden. And a boss script has been written for the final level. Unfortunately, and against my desires, this means that I've used up around scripts 1-30, so compatibility for mods that use those will be gone. They are probably few and far between. Any commentary will be welcome. Also. I kinda wanna use this for 64 player deathmatch sometime. That'd be sweet.
http://www.mediafire.com/download/36ab6 ... Doom11.rar
Also. Finally. Screenshots. I tried to mostly aim them for stuff I changed. All credit to id where I failed.
Using Brutal Doom 2.0, the GZDoom Lights and Brightmaps, and the HighRes pack https://github.com/KuriKai/DHTP. Also. The newest, 2.1.1 64bit version of GZDooM. You can't see it, but I was also using the PSX music pack for atmosphere. And some mild Reshade bloom.
Some examples.
Newest, Updated , version:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/36ab6 ... Doom11.rar
Old versions:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/ip9y2 ... mFinal.wad
http://www.mediafire.com/download/26hax ... Doom03.rar
http://www.mediafire.com/download/t8xia ... etDoom.wad
http://www.mediafire.com/download/xvz0g ... etDoom.wad