weapon combination ideas?

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weapon combination ideas?

Post by Matt »

raymoohawk wrote:if you had to cut the doom bestiary in half or less by combining two or monsters and making a new one that is a sort of "average" wich monsters would you combine?

ideally this fusions should not be the monster inheriting the same attacks as its materials, but having a new attack that is a sort of in bewtween

do you have ideas of interesting combinations? if your a mapper i'd love what kind of "averaged" monster would you find a useful alternative to a stock monster?
Starting new thread for this, but with weapons!

My own thoughts under spoiler. It seems this could be a much less interesting thread since the conceptual space for weapons appears to have been much more thoroughly explored than for monsters.
Then again, if I aim for deliberate incongruity instead of simply finding things with similar niche and then combining the remainder as an afterthought...
That got mecha fast.
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by Big C »

RL/plasma - The Thunder Buster from Hideous Destructor. :P

BFG/Chainsaw - Some sort of "Thor's Hammer"-type melee weapon that's slow but has a powerful AOE effect. Great for crowd control, inefficient against single enemies.

RL/Chaingun - Basically a Mk19 grenade launcher. Alternatively, an assault rifle/grenade launcher if you just want to attach two separate weapons together.

Chainsaw/pistol - KNIFEGUN.

RL/BFG - The Redeemer from Unreal Tournament.

Chainsaw/chaingun - The Lancer rifle from Gears of War, a bread-and-butter automatic weapon with a handy and highly lethal chainsaw bayonet.
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

Pistol/Chaingun/Plasma Rifle: Decent ROF, accurate, fires in bursts

RL/BFG: Slower than RL, faster than BFG. Strong projectile with very large blast radius.

Shotgun/Super Shotgun: Auto shotgun

Fist/Chainsaw: Uh knife or something I guess
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by Oberron »

Pistol, mini grenade launcher on top of the gun, laser gun on bottom of the barrel. Idea was taken from the rail-shooter Hardline.
Double barrel shotgun, with a refined Monte Carlo stock, and with a small scope.
Laser gun with faster firing rate and has four barrels, which will qualify as a laser chaingun.
Missile launcher with two types of ammo: Ground to Air and Ground to Ground, and it is a modified RPG-7.
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by 4thcharacter »

Shotgun + Chaingun = Jackhammer

Plasma Rifle + Rocket Launcher = Either a mini radioactive bomb launcher or an EMP missile launcher.
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by Reactor »

EMP is a not a bad idea, but as far as I know, it effects only machines :( so living creatures won't even get tickled. Heh, I remember in Quake 4 when those guys were tampering with the EMP, and the dialogue was like:
- Hey, be careful with that thing!
- What's the problem, you got a pacemaker?

If I'd have to narrow the armory down, it'd mean a second function for pretty much each weapon.

Shotgun + Chaingun = Combined Rifle, similar to the one in Red Faction, which could be set to operate on both type of ammo.

Rocket Launcher = Similar to the Thermal Shok Launcher, it'd act like a grenade launcher when the scope is inactive. If the player would trigger the scope, it'd behave like a rocket launcher (so the targeting system would actually have a use).

Plasma gun + BFG = Something like a Charger Cannon. Individual shots are weak, however, if charged up, it would fire a BFG-projectile. It's plausible as Doom does not use clips, so the total amount of cells is always available (the Charger Cannon does not use any ammo tho, it self-recharges).
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by kodi »

shotgun/fist: melee punch-gun, high spread reduced damage shotgun attack triggers on melee hit
Plasma gun/chainsaw: Plasma cutter, functionally a short ranged auto-railgun that damages everyhing in front of the player
Super shotgun/rocket launcher: 12 guage explosive gyrojet ammo, switch ammo with alt fire
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by Matt »

Interesting ideas, everyone!

As for EMP bombs, I've wondered about that, actually - an EMP is just a kind of energy and I would think that enough of any kind of energy would be able to hurt a living thing. Frankly, the notion of something that can only hurt machines but not living things seems like some kind of magic.

Wiki isn't giving a direct answer though the examples under the "Types of EMP" heading suggest that most of them can and will hurt people.
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by Reactor »

Well, if the EMP is that strong that it messes up the body's biological electric impulse system, then it'll most likely damage life beings too. Commander Keen's Neural Stunner might be something like this, as it's equally effective against robots, and living creatures (and dramatically useless against other stuff).

It's kind of a polar opposite for biological-chemical weaponry,, which hurt most life beings, but robots and turrets are uneffected.
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by kodi »

A real EMP bomb uses a conventional explosive at it's core. It just converts some of the kinetic energy to electromagnetic radiation.
Vaecrius wrote: Frankly, the notion of something that can only hurt machines but not living things seems like some kind of magic.
Wavelength is pretty important. A microwave or a powerful laser are quite damaging to living things for example.
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by cambertian »

A while back, I used to get a lot of weapon ideas in my head. Nowadays it's not as frequent, much to my dismay; I'm now making my own wacky Doom mod! Oh well.

Here are a few crazy ones I still remember:
- The Minigun Launcher. It fires a few weak bullets before you launch off the barrel as if it were a rocket and pop another barrel on. (Probably the closest to the prompt.)
- The Cloud Gun. It's basically a hose/reverse vacuum cleaner that spouts out little clouds that float upwards and choke enemies. However, if the clouds bunch up into a big enough cloud, they'll electrocute anybody that comes underneath.
- The "InterPul," short for "Internal Pulverizer." It's a little bit like the Shock Rifle from Unreal, except it's only the slow fire mode. Its projectiles go through enemies... until you tell them to detonate.
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by Matt »

Going random (matching 1d9 against 1d9, picking the first 4 non-repeating combinations and combining whatever weapon remains with the first one it's paired with):

Chaingun+Shotgun: Pepperbox shotgun
Chainsaw+Fist: Vibro-blade knuckles
RL+Pistol+BFG: Gyrojet version of the Birdman NUKE 50
Plasma+SSG: Improvised flamethrower built from a barbecue, gasoline and bundles of oily rags and gunpowder, that sends a huge, quarter-second-long blast of flame in a wide fan incinerating everything right in front of whatever general direction the user is facing.

Pistol+SSG: Big flintlock pistol
RL+Chainsaw+Chaingun: Cursed sabre taken from a naval officer who was betrayed and died at sea, deadly whirling attack that hurts the user in the process. returns to user when thrown (not necessarily pointing in a user-friendly direction)
Fist+BFG: Throwing a lit powder keg
Shotgun+Plasma: Scrap-filled blunderbuss partially loaded with wood and oily rags soaked in rum, possibly Greek fire
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by Ethril »

Fist + BFG = Kamehameha
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

Post by Matt »

Ethril wrote:Fist + BFG = Kamehameha
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Re: weapon combination ideas?

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