What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

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What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Oberron »

As the title implies, here goes the most overpowered weapon:
Explosive Shotgun (from Die Hard Trilogy)
What are your most overpowered weapons to use?
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Blox »

hellbanning people
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Reactor »

Well, it would be the Anti-matter beam from the TC we're making. Since antimatter and "normal" matter annihilate each other when they meet, I can't really envision anything more destructive currently.

This weapon shall be extremely rare...and for a good reason. It is a Zicca product, much like 99% of the hi-tech armaments, and is a result of the arms-race with FireScape for weapons market domination. When FireScape finally swallowed the bitter pill of facing the truth that classic firearms could never compete with hi-tech energy weapons, when Zicca developed the series of protron weaponry, FireScape then constructed and developed the Sonic oscillator. As always, Zicca responded to this by conceiving an even stronger weapon trying to out-do FireScape, and since the particle disturbance technology has already been exploited earlier, they've turned their attention of research to a territory which was yet unknown - the anti-matter. The scientists also knew that constructing an anti-matter weapon will gain an upper hand for them forever, eventually deciding the winner of this arms-race, however, this time, they should have been a little bit more careful this time...
Albeit the costs were astronomical, eventually, the portable anti-matter weapon was assembled, and was ready for trial. And like it always happens (don't these scientists EVER learn!?), something went terribly wrong. During the test fires, the magnetic lining layers' energy flow was interrupted, and this was far enough for the anti-matter circling thru it to find a gap, and meet with "normal" matter. The anti-matter escaped from its confines, broke loose, and...well...let's just say that the entire facility, the personnel, and about everything in 5 kilometres distance simply ceased to exist.
Well, this event rose quite a stink, it took a lot of money and efforts of the "gubbmint" to handwave this event, not to mention how serious this setback was for the Zicca, losing at least half of its science capacity. Most of its blueprints have survived tho, and the technicians eventually fixed together a "more stable" version - it was smaller, and used anti-matter cores as ammunition, not a tank. However, it was still not released for the public, or anyone for that matter. It didn't even get an official name, a product or serial number or anything - only a nickname "INCINERATE!!!". Its status is still "experimental", so only a few of these were assembled, and hadn't been used since.
In the game, however, it shall be critical to obtain one of these, as this is the only weapon which can injure and destroy the Evil Empress. It must be handled with extreme caution however. Mestengo will even make a remark about this once the player obtains the Anti-matter beam:

"Oh my God...Anti-matter beam...Vibeke! The most destructive force in the known universe. Be VERY careful with it. Even Zicca don't understand its full power."

tl;dr - This is the most powerful firearm humankind ever invented, but it backfired once, and since then, even the creators afraid to tamper with it. But the player will HAVE to use it. End of story.
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by wildweasel »

The most overpowered weapon?

how about your posting :V :V :V
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Oberron »

wildweasel wrote: how about your posting :V :V :V
LOL, that is just... the most witty comment I ever seen in my whole life. Anyways, Quake II's grenade launcher wins, but it is effective for laying down traps, if a mine launcher version of the said gun exists.
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Reactor »

If Quake 2, then I'd say that "Plasma Blast" is the most overpowered (it's in Ground Zero). I found out that it can effectively replace both the BFG10K and the Railgun, not to mention Hyperblaster and the likes. It cannot be dodged, and does very high damage, and extremely effective in both short terms of combat or big open areas. However, it also consumes energy ammo at a frightening rate.
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by wildweasel »

Oberron wrote:LOL, that is just... the most witty comment I ever seen in my whole life.
thank you it's a real honor
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Blox »

april fools we weren't kidding

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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Project Shadowcat »

I can think of a couple things, but they're not really, uh... childsafe.
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Matt »

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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by cambertian »

Closest one I can think of is the SBC Cannon from Serious Sam (though it's probably just because I've been playing The First Encounter and thus have it on my mind.) Despite the fact that it's so powerful, I barely even use it.
The thing that I think makes it "more powerful" than it should be? The amount of ammo they give you for it.
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by BFG »

the purple 'BFG' in Apoom (Virtual Springfield), one fire of the weapon and the game is instantly won.
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by The Ultimate DooMer »

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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

To be quite honest, I find the atomic bomb to be way too powerful. I swear, that thing's blast radius is too damn long!
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by 4thcharacter »

Crissaegrim from SOTN.

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