Final Fantasy Spells! 0.9a (from zandronum to zdoom!)

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Final Fantasy Spells! 0.9a (from zandronum to zdoom!)

Post by Samuzero15tlh »

Hey everybody! Im here to share some shit what im doing :p
The original post is in zandro forums over here

I was playing Final Fantasy a lot, then it appeared an idea, how the magic (White and Black) looks like in doom? then I went up to this.

All of the spells what im planning on.
Cure: DONE!
Cura: DONE!
Curaga: DONE!
Curaja: Heals you more than the half of your life (75 HP)
Esuna: Clear all of your Bad States.
Dispell: Clear all of the Good States from the target.
Slow: Slow down the enemy.
Haste: DONE!
Protect: Defense on any Bullet (Or physical attack)
Shell: Defense on Fire, Ice and Thunder + Plasma
Blink: Increases Speed.
Confuse: Make a monster your ally.
Silence: Causes Mute on a player.
Hold: Freeze an enemy.
Life: DONE!
Arise: DONE!
Sight: Full Map.
Teleport: DONE!
Reflect: Deflects any attack!
Mini: Morph to the size of an ant.
Libra: Almost there...
Berserk: DONE!
Float: DONE!
Holy: A Big Damage Missile.

Fire: DONE!
Thunder: DONE!
Blizzard: DONE!
Fira: A stronger projectile with fire damage.
Thundara: A stronger projectile with thunder damage.
Blizzara: A stronger projectile with ice damage.
Firaga: A more stronger projectile with fire damage.
Thundaga: A more stronger projectile with thunder damage.
Blizzaga: A more stronger projectile with ice damage.
Sleep: DONE!
Poison: DONE!
Warp: DONE!
Toad: Morph to a frog.
Stop: DONE!
Osmose: Drains 10 MP from a target.(if the target uses magic)
Drain: DONE!
//undead enemies will do the reverse action
Bio: DONE!
Tornado: Inflicts damage until leaving it to the critical state of life.
Break: Stone-making an enemy.
Pig: Morph to a Pig.
Quake: DONE!
Death: Insta-killing attack.
Flare: Exploding fire attack.
Meteor: Many meteors beign trown from the space upon your enemies!

Note2: Life and Arise must cast it before any tough battle.

In 0.8a I intoduced the Black magic, the basic black magic spells are there but im planning how it's gonna be on the doom perspective.

The mod uses 3 custom buttons:
Z - Next spell
X - Previous Spell
C - Options:
[Tap C again to get the info of the selected spell
[Tap X to switch into black magic to white magic
[Tap Z to change in target or self (Not implemented yet)

It also uses a weapon called "MagicalHand".

Use Fire to White magic and Altfire to Black magic!
That's all of the controls what you need :D
Spoiler: White Magic
Spoiler: Black Magic
Spoiler: Credits to...
Spoiler: Changelog
Spoiler: Downloads
Take whatever you want BUT if you take something from here, give me a credit for creating the wad you're welcome. :p

If I make progress I will do the update. Stay tuned and have fun!

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