-Easy inventory management system.
-Spellbar to bind any spell form your spellbook.
-Spell damage is based on spell power stat.
-Strength increases melee damage and DeathKnight spell damage.
-Defense reduces damage taken. 1 % of damage reduction, up to 75 %
-Agility increases melee attack speed and Rogue / Hunter damage.
-Haste rating decreases spell cast time.
-Intellect increases mana pool size and boosts mana regenetion over time.
GZDoom RPG Trailer !
//Class Progress//
-Warrior 98 %
-Mage 99 %
-Priest 100 %
-Death Knight 100 %
-Warlock 100 %
-Hunter 97 %
-Rogue 99 %
-Paladin 100 %
Spoiler: Changelog
v0.98 Beta
-talent system implemented, all classes talents work, but Rogue's
-Added monster health bar
-Added 107 new items
-Added pets, gets fraction of player's experience to level up, also pet is capable of evolving to stronger one (with failure rate based on pet rarity)
-Pets now reappear when changing map.
-All Doom monsters (exept Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind) are scripted (loot, experience, curses cast on player).
-Added trade between players.
-Inventory, Spellbook, Character Screen, Trade window, Enchanting interface, Forging interface, are now fully mouse controlled.
-Auras duration fixed when changing maps.
-Fixed Hunter weapons.
-Fixed Warrior charge and Bladestorm
-Maximum level cap raised to 80.
-Added arenas, fight player vs player or player vs npc.
-Added first battleground, capture the flag, 10 vs 10 (2 teams, player goes in random team with random generated npc allies and enemies)
-Added most of the missing spell visual effects
-Added custom option menu, which lets to change some options like variable saving, toggle mouse or keyboard interface controls and more
-Chaingunguy, drop, experience, health.
-Zombieman, drop, experience, health.
-Shotgunguy, drop, experience, health.
-Imp, drop, experience, health.
-Items on the map now appear as random loot
-Monsters now drop gold as well as random items.
-Overhead aura icons, shows target's auras.
-Critical strike chance corrected.
-Added missing inventory tooltips.
-Consumables (Food, drink), restores health or mana over certain amount of time.
-Scripted map transactions.
In v0.6.6 version, after some major changes in Core scripts, the Hunter class, Death Knight's pet, most of the Warrior and Rogue spells have totally broken,
I'm looking forward to fix the issues, and probably will release early alpha to test out some of the stuff.
-Fixed bug when engine freezes after reaching level 10 while not wielding a weapon.
-Custom ACS consoleSpoiler: Previewv0.6.4b
-Fixed bug, when auras, spells and melee attacks was damaging it's caster.
-Righteous Vengeance is now reapplied to full duration every time it's triggered.
-Targeting system reworked, now targeting works every time and so spells that requires target.
-Target Latch, by default monsters will be targeted automatically, toggling Target Latch targeting will focus on one selected enemy.
-Most of the auras (DOTs, HOTs, stuns, freezes) are removed when target is changed.
-Corrected Drain Life, Frostbolt, Deathgrip sprite offsets.
-Added feature to toggle player coordinate saving.
-Added feature to toggle player angle saving.
-Paladin class base. Paladins use mana as resource, strength increases melee and spell damage, spell power boosts healing.
Can heal themselves and allies.
Paladin spells:
-Crusader strike, deals 100 % weapon damage, uses low amount of mana.
-Divine storm, deals 120 % weapon damage to up to 4 surrounding enemies.
-Flash of Light, heals by value based on spell power, uses low amount of mana.
-Righteous Vengeance (passive) Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, Judgement critical strikes deals additional 30 % damage over 8 sec.
-Sacred Shield, absorbs damage based on spell power.
-Sheath of Light (passive) Increases Spell Power by amount equal to 30 %
of Strength and causes critical healing spells to heal additional 20 % of the healed amount over 12 sec.
-Hammer of Justice, stuns the enemy for 4 sec.
-Hammer of Wrath, deals 200 % weapon damage, only usable on enemies that have less than 20 % health.
-Holy Light, heals by double value based on spell power, uses medium amount of mana.
-Blessing of Might, Increases strength by 255 for 10 min.
-Avenging Wrath, increases damage dealt by 20 % for 20 sec.
-Seal of Righteousness, while active, all attacks deals additional damage based on spell power.
-Inventory tooltips
-Spellbook tooltips and mouse-driven spell bindings.Spoiler: Tooltip Previewv0.6.1e
-Finished quest system update check out more details here
-Chat log
-Completely new,more informative UI, fixed flashing icons,
New Priest spells:
-Shadowform, increases defense by 15, increases spell damage.
-Devouring Plague, deals damage over time based on Spell Power for 12 sec and heals the caster 50 % damage done.
-Vampiric Touch, deals damage over time based on Spell Power for 15 sec and heals the caster 33 % damage done.
-Power Word: Shield, shields the caster, absorbing damage based on Spell Power.
-Shadow Word: Pain, deals damage over time based on Spell Power for 15 sec.
-Renew, heals the caster over time by value based on Spell Power, lasts 15 sec.
-Mind Blast, deals damage based on Spell Power.
-Flash Heal, heals the caster by value based on Spell Power.
-Lesser Heal, heals the caster by value based on Spell Power, slightly weaker than Flash Heal.
-Prayer of Mending, heals the caster the next time when damage is taken by value based on Spell Power.
-Power Word: Fortitude, Increases stamina by 225 for 30 min.
-Battletext heals now is shown on opposite side.
New Warrior spells:
-Charge, charge an enemy generating 10 rage and stunning it for 3 sec.
-Enrage (passive, activated on critical strike), increases all damage done by 15 % for 12 sec.
-Fixed aura bug, when added stats wasn't cleared after removing the aura.
New rogue spells:
-Cheap shot, stuns enemy for 4 sec, uses 35 energy.
-Kidney shot, stuns enemy for 1 sec and additional 1 sec per combo point, uses 35 energy.
-Battletext now displays healing spells and crits
-New rogue spell:
-Sprint, increases movement speed by 70 % for 15 sec.
-Added class selection UI
-Added casting animations
-Fixed 26 bugs (17 minor, 9 major)
-Fixed rogue damage calculator
-Fixed Drain Life bugs
-Fixed Frostbolt debuff, when enemies remain slowed when debuff is removed.
-When casting a spell, other spells are now unable to cast till current one is finished or canceled.
-Fixed global cooldown bug, when cooldowns weren't added on time.
-Fixed Mage Frostbolt, Fireball, Fire Blast spells
-Frostbolt spell now slows down the enemies by 50 % for 8 sec.
-Fixed battletext bugs when some of the spells were missing
-Fixed Fear bug, now is unable to cast Fear on dead targets, and if target dies, it is immediately removed.
New Warlock spell:
-Drain Life, drains life from the target dealing damage based on spell power and heals the Warlock by amount of life drained.
-Fixed battletext bug when non-crit spells wasn't displayed.
-Fixed Haunt, Shadow Bolt sounds
-Spell cooldowns now only applies when spell is successfully cast.
New Warlock spells :
-Fear, strikes fear in the enemy, disorienting it for up to 20 sec.
-Conflagrate, deals damage based on Spell Power and additional damage if Immolate is active on the target, also dazes the target for 5 seconds.
-Immolate , Shadow Bolt visuals
-Fixed bug of spells hitting dead enemies regardless of target.
New Warlock spells :
-Immolate, burns the target causing damage based on spell power and additional damage over 15 sec.
-Shadow Bolt, sends shadowy bolt at the enemy dealing damage based on spell power.
-Haunt, A ghostly soul haunts the target, dealing damage based on spell power and healing caster 20 % of damage dealt.
-Corruption, Deals damage over time based on spell power, lasts 18 sec.
-Fixed bug when Fel Armor is applied to enemy rather than player.
-Fixed bug when Battle Shout is applied to enemy rather than player.
-Fixed bug of Death Knight minion attacking it's owner.
-Fixed bug of Polymorph, now it no longer turns the caster to the sheep. (LoL)
-Warlock Class base
-Fel Armor, increases defense by 10 for 30 minutes.
-Added Dynamic mana comsumption formula for caster classes (Mage, Priest, Warlock), so Intellect stat is now beneficial instead of using mana by percentage of total mana pool.
-Intellect stat now boosts mana regeneration over time.
-Player angle is now saved
-Fixed some bugs after loading saved character (Player frozen, missing UI parts)
-Decreased delay when adding multiple items to the bank.
-Fixed bug of lost weapons when loading saved character.
-Player spell resources (mana/rage/focus/energy/runic power) are now saved to prevent exploits when switching between maps and for convenience
when logging in - no need to wait until resource regenerates
-Every stat, equipped item, location, bank, inventory is now automatically saved without any user interaction. Just continue game where it had been finished !
-Disengage, Leap backwards.
-Chimera Shot, Deals Ranged weapon damage + 25 %, uses 50 Focus.
-Aimed Shot, Deals ranged weapon damage +20 %, uses 35 Focus.
-Explosive Shot, deals 2x Ranged weapon damage,uses 75 Focus.
-Serpent Sting, Poisons the enemy dealing damage over time based on agility, uses 35 Focus.
-Arcane Shot, deals Ranged weapon damage, uses 25 Focus.
-Hunters now use ammunition properly.
-Scourge Strike, deals weapon damage and additional 12.5 % damage per disease on target. Uses 1 frost and 1 unholy runes.
-Fixed aura timer bugs.
-Death Knight trainer is now 75 % complete.
-Hunter class base.
-Death Knight rune fix.
-Summon Ghoul, Attacks targeted enemy for 35 secs, dealing damage based on Death Knight's strength. Uses 60 Runic Power.
-Death Knight maximum Runic power capacity increased to 120.
-Horn of Winter, increases strength by 255 and generates 10 Runic Power.
-Death Strike, deals weapon damage and heals Death Knight by 25 % of maximum health.
-Death knight runes
-Runic power
-Death Grip, Draws the target towards Death Knight
-Blood Strike, deals weapon damage and additional 25 % weapon damage per disease on target. Uses 1 blood rune.
-Plague Strike, deals 50 % weapon damage and infects the target with blood plague DoT. Uses 1 Unholy rune.
-Icy Touch, Deals 50 % weapon damage and infects the target with Frost Fever. Uses 1 frost rune.
-Chains of Ice, slows down target by 80 % for 5 sec and infects the target with Frost Fever. Uses 1 frost rune.
-Death Coil, Causes damage based on strength, Uses 40 runic power.
-Fixed rogue energy bugSpoiler:v0.4.4
-Rogue class
-Aura bug fixes and additions (80 % complete now)
-Rogue ambush ability is cast only behind the target
-Critical strike formula now added instead of constant 25 %
-Eviscerate, consumes all combo points and deals damage by their count
-Ambush, massive attack, usable only from behind the target, can only be cast while in stealth.
-Stealth, turns player invisible to monsters and increases damage by 10 % for first attack.
-Critical strikes applies Deadly poison damage on time, which damages target based on agility. Poison is applied only if weapon is poisoned.Spoiler:v0.4.3
-Gear Score bug fix
-Health, and resource (mana, rage, energy, runic power) bars
-Stamina stat equi/unequi bug fix
-Enemy respawn
-Spirit healer ressurect. (There is 64 graveyards on the map, picks one which is closest and gives you two options :
1. Ressurect with spirit healer, all stats is reduced by 75 % for 10 min
2. Return to death location)
-Item trader
-Class Trainer UI with dynamic calculationsSpoiler:v0.3.9
-Multiple herbs gathering
-Herb gathering bug fixes
-Large damage counter improvements and bug fixes
-Damage counter
-New aura system.
-Fixed tons of bugs
-Fixed wrong item stats.
-Bank interface is now partially mouse controlled.
-Aura system is broken now. Queued for rewrite.
-Added Wrathful Gladiator's Greatsword
-Fixed bugs when placing multiple items to bank.
-Inventory is now fully mouse controlled.
-Character screen is now fully mouse controlled.
-Added distance check to Warrior's Deep wounds dot
-Mouse pointer is finally here !
-Item Stacks
-Mining Concept.
-50 % change that vein will disappear.
-1 - 4 ores per mining attempt.
-If mining skill is 25 points higher than required for specific vein, it will not train mining skill.
-Fixed up decorate mess
-Now 32 players can play on the map without script conflicting.
-Some of the monsters runs away when less than 15 % health.
-Barebones of auras.
-9000 codes of line milestone.
-Added global cooldown.
-Added spell cooldown.
-Major UI alignments
Spoiler: Screenshots v0.6.1Download :
v0.6.1 New User Interface
v0.4.5 Forging area
The link was removed by moderator due to advertising third-party website. (This is not the right place for that -mod.)