[WIP][Under Revision] Indiana Jones

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[WIP][Under Revision] Indiana Jones

Post by xenoxols »

EDIT: Major update coming soon, see screenshots below.

This mod is a spinoff of Captain J's version of Wildweasel's Nazis!. You have a whip in your right hand at all times. It can be used as a melee weapon, or a grappling hook. In you right hand is your current gun. You can use them both at the same time, thanks to synthfire. Eventually, I plan to replace all Wolfenstein things in the mod with regular ww2 or Indiana Jones things.
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?6fzbf2hc16cx76v
Run it with gzdoom 2.x. Or whatever the equivalent zdoom is.
Screenies of upcoming version:


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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

Had a quick play on it. It's nice like Demonsteele, but it could be cooler.
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by Sgt. Shivers »

This is great fun, but I'd suggest moving the weapon sprites down slightly to align them with the crosshair and adding a puff to the whip so it's easier to tell where it's hitting.
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by IMX »

When dying, the weapon in the right hand doesn't disappear, also ditto with the small puff.
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by YukiHerz »

Silly Jones, that's your left hand.
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

Basically what the 3 above me said. This works wonderfully with Epic 2 (WW actually made the original with Epic 2 in mind, IIRC).
M7J9 wrote:Had a quick play on it. It's nice like Demonsteele, but it could be cooler.
You could actually bring up some points on what you think would "make it cooler." That's not going to help him at all. :|
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

Okay, okay, I have a few ideas:
  • Have dual-handed reloading (Free Indy's left hand from the whip so that he can reload with both hands)
    Tone down the fire rate of the MP40 (it's a lot slower than that IRL)
    Add a minigun. Ain't Wolfenstein without one.
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by XanderK9 »

MJ79 wrote: Add a minigun. Ain't Wolfenstein without one.
It's not supposed to be Wolfenstein, either.
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

I have an idea: give the whip a chance to snatch a lower level enemy's gun from their hands, like in the movies. That'd be fun! :D
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by xenoxols »

Alright, I'll add the puff to the whip, and I'll see if the gun snatching doesn't totally screw up the gameplay. Although I would need new sprites for some of the enemies. About the weapon not dissapearing from your right hand, that is a result of synthfire, and I don't know how/if I can fix it. The weapon offsets seem fine to me, I tried 1920x1080, 960x540, and 1280x800. In the first 2, the barrel of the guns were perfectly aligned to the crosshair. In 1280x800, it was good enough. What resolution are you playing at? If it's not widescreen, I probably won't bother to fix it.
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

this hits pretty well for me: the guns are all fun to use, looks good, and the whip mechanic is nice too. i'd like it if it worked better as a grappling hook, though. currently it only really works at traversing over gaps. it'd be fun if it could be used to make you travel better at a vertical rate. other than that, there's nothing really jarring that has caught my eyes yet, so good work on that. :)
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by xenoxols »

Puff added, I'll get to the other stuff in a bit.
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Re: [WIP] Indiana Jones

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

are the extra keys going to get switched for Zdoom's built-in ones? or would that be too much work to convert?

edit: there seems to be some grammatical weirdness going on in the mod, as well: "*s* mission was failed easily by General Fettgesicht.", for example. a better way to say it would be "*s* mission ended at the hands of General Fettgesicht." also, there's some unnecessary capitalization going on when picking up the Soulsphere: "Extra Life!... Just Kidding, Extra Health." the K should probably be lower-cap.

the most glaring one so far, though, is "Picked up a First-Aid for Resurrect Yourself!" it should be something be re-written to something else. i dunno if you can put an Indy quote somewhere there, but something like "First Aid... just in time!" would make it stand out much less.
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Re: [WIP][Under Revision] Indiana Jones

Post by xenoxols »

Gonna be updated soon.

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Re: [WIP][Under Revision] Indiana Jones

Post by everennui »

Don't miss his UPDATE because I was a dumbass and bumped it after him.

Would you consider releasing a version that doesn't include enemy replacements? From what I've seen everything seems well balanced. It would be fun to play through classic Doom with this. The weapons are absolutely gorgeous! I do have a bit of a hard time hitting smaller sprites at close range. I agree with some of the other people saying that it would be cool to see whip be a separate item. It looks like you agree based on your newest screenshots.

I would like my current WIP to use your archive as the weapon assets. I might dump the Castlevania theme as I don't feel like I can do it proper credit.

http://www.mediafire.com/download/dnzcv ... 282%29.wad (Download link)
https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/ ... eveinyeah/ (Doomworld Link)

There's plenty of hurt in the first level and it is - as a standalone - a complete playable level. The monster replacements in your WIP tweaks the gameplay by turing to imps into, "hit-scanners."

(It would also be nice to assign an animation to a reload binding. Maybe. I guess in reality you'd be losing those extra 2-3 bullets.)

Addendum: That could actually be a cool feature. You can reload before you open a door, but you'll lose whatever ammo was in the clip you just dumped.

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