How do i play with lan in zdl?

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How do i play with lan in zdl?

Post by armyman12345 »

Me and my brother want to play gzdoom online with zdl.(We are on the same network.) But i really don't know how. Step by step, could somebody teach how to do it?
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Re: How do i play with lan in zdl?

Post by edward850 »

How do i play with lan in zdl?
armyman12345 wrote:Me and my brother want to play gzdoom online with zdl.(We are on the same network.)
"Online" and LAN are are two different things. Mixing them up is just confusing.

Either way, ZDL Has a dropdown button (simply presented as an arrow) which provides a selection of network options. The person setting up the game (the arbitrator) selects the number of players partaking in said game, the gamemode, DMflags and all that business. The players who are joining select "joining" as their number of players and need to input the IP Address or hostname, of the computer they are connecting to, into the "Hostname/IP address" box.
Make sure all players are loading the exact same IWAD/PWADs/ZDoom version, and you're good to go.
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Re: How do i play with lan in zdl?

Post by armyman12345 »

The lan address?
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Re: How do i play with lan in zdl?

Post by edward850 »

Well yes obviously, seeing as you are on the same network. Any other address is unlikely to resolve to the computer you are trying to connect too.

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