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Resources from
Quest for Al-Qa'eda: The Hunt for Bin Laden Mega
Quest for Hussein Mega
Plunder & Pillage (Plunder and Pillage for finding via search) Mega
Deadline (Beta) Mega
Deadline (Beta) textures resized from 60 to 64 Mega
Liquidator Mega
Redneck Rampage Rides Again (A few new weapons) Mega
CIA Operative: Solo Missions (Enemy, Player, & Environmental Sounds + Textures) Mega
The Elder Scrolls: Arena Mega
The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall (With converted wav sounds) Mega
Metroid Prime: Hunters (Textures from Multiplayer Maps) Mega
C.O.R.E (Unsorted Sounds) Mega
Alliance of Valiant Arms:
Weapon Sounds Mega
Player Sounds (Male + Female) Mega
Footstep Sounds Mega
Effect Sounds (Cloth flap, barrel + car explosion, ear ringing) Mega
Dementium: The Ward (Textures from Chapter 1's hopsital and some of Chapter 2's roof top) Mega
Die Hard Trilogy (NPC + Weapon Sounds) Mega
DeathKeep (Sprites + Textures) Mega
Gloomy Dungeons 2: Blood Honor (Sprites + Textures + Sounds + Music) Mega
(Free on Android)
Gun Commando (Sprites + Textures + Sounds + Music) Mega
Tyrannosaurus Tex (Unreleased GBC) (Incomplete Sprite Rip via IGN Screenshots) Mega
Escape from Monster Manor (Gun + Some Pickups) Mega
Gloomy Dungeons 3D (Sprites + Textures + Sounds + Music) (Same as Gloomy Dungeons 2 without gloves)
Shambles (Sprites + Textures + Sounds)
Zombie Frontier 2 - Survive (Sprites) (Guns, Money Icons, Zombies, Explosions, Grenades)
The Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena (Sounds for Weapons, NPC, Footsteps, Misc Foley)
Halo: Reach (Sounds only; weapons, impacts, footsteps, rustling, sound effects, atmospheres) Mirror
Fighting Fantasy (Weapon Sprites (Swords, Staffs, Fish, etc)) Will not finish because I have to actually play the game.

Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) (Sounds, sans survivor chatter, music, and atmosphere)
Gears of War (Ambient, weapons, bullet impacts, humans, locusts, flesh, foley)
Yakuza 4 (Punches / Kicks / Weapons Impact, Running, Swings, Whooshes)
Yakuza 4 (Japanese phrases, shouts, and grunts)
TimeSplitters 2 (Sounds: zombies, humans, bullet impacts, robots, monkeys, babies, weapons, lasers, very arcade sounding)
Turok 3 Shadow of Oblivion (Sounds: unsorted, few may have an incorrect samplerate)
Aliens Infestation (Sounds: Xenomorphs, Humans, Weapons, Menus, Explosions)
Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS3 OGGs, unsorted, ~3.43GB)
25 To Life (Sounds: Voices, burning voices, tasered voices, blinded voices, deafened voices, grunts, chitchat, taunts, etc. Gangster and cop themed.)
Resident Evil 4 HD Sound Effects & Footsteps
Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage Sounds, Effects Sprites (Blood, sparks, smoke, fire, etc), Models (Open, preview, and convert to various formats with Noesis)
Rainbow Six: Lockdown Sounds (Human voices, player sounds, weapons (stereo and mono directories, recommend splitting stereo sounds to two mono sounds and using sndinfo to randomly play one of the two), impacts, footsteps, environmental, shells, UI)
Expert (PSX) Sprites (Weapon sheets are pieced together), Sounds
Shellshock (PSX) Sounds
Web Vengeance Sprites and Sounds
Metroid Fusion Sounds (Ripped straight from ROM at 11025hz) (Update: Four files were incorrectly ripped, fixed now)
Dragon Ball XenoVerse Sounds, excluding stage-specific sounds and voices. Includes high-quality Dragon Ball / anime energy noises, footsteps, jumps, punches, kicks, SHING effects, etc. Mega download, SendSpace download.
Escape from Bug Island SFX
Lots of beast and giant insect noises, very shrill. Also impact noises, splashes, general sfx.
Robotica / Daedalus Sprites (Enemies with 16 rotations but no animations, an explosion, and items. Weapons are an issue in the data and screenshots aren't widescreen.)
Hybrid (Guns, SFX, Character Sounds, Misc Graphics) (Music in MP3 and PSF) (Samples used in the music)
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity: 7 Fonts, 8x8,8x16,16x16. Barebones character to lump definitions for each, gradient fonts are grey instead of blue and purple for recolouring in-engine.
3D Maze Screensaver (Win95 Win 95 Win98 Win 98) Textures and Sprites (Sprite format converted by paulguy) Alt Sendspace link
Super Shooter Series (Super Sergeant Shooter, Super Zombie Shooter, Modern Trooper Shooter, etc) Sprites and Sounds Alt Sendspace link
Quake 3: Revolution Voices (Grunts, taunts, etc for Doomguy, Anarki, and some others in English, French, and Italian) (Sendspace), Chainsaw (Sendspace)
Mars 3D with unobfuscated WAD.
Bunker 3D 2.0 (Wolfenstein 3D Clone)
Bunker 3D, Castle 3D, Castle 3D 2.0, Laboratory 3D, and Laboratory 3D 2.0 (Wolfenstein 3D Clone)
3D Shivers (Quake Aesthetic Wolfenstein Clone)
The Overtaker 3D (Wolfenstein Clone, textures and sprites)
Pinball of the Dead fonts, a very spooky 16x32 and a compact 8x16. Already set up with FONTDEFS, the big font is just numbers and letters, the small font is number and letters and symbols.
The 3rd Birthday Sounds
Castlevania ReBirth (J) - Sounds
Contra ReBirth (J) - Sounds
Gradius ReBirth (J) - Sounds
Mega Folder
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