***DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6597j ... ltraV2.pk3 ***
Bug fix: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/423 ... ugFix1.wad
Spoiler:Quake Stuff ULTRA is a mod that ports Quake 1's weapons, monsters and powerups to Doom, and uses the actual models from Quake.
I made this mod for 2 reasons:
1. because I think the quake's single player is kinda of underated. Everything feels so brutal, barbaric, but people mostly remember Quake for it's multiplayer experience. Don't get me wrong, Quake's online Deathmatches are awesome, but I think the Single player deserves some more love than it got.
2. because I can't get a descent ping on Darkplaces's Quake world servers for shit.
When I made this mod I had Zandronum in mind, but it seems to work fine on GZdoom.
Also, why the "ULTRA" in the name? Because I tried porting the quake's stuff to doom before, but it was really poorly scripted, and used qdoom's low-res sprites.
*All of the weapons from Quake and it's mission packs.
*All of vanilla Quake's monsters, and a lot of monsters from the expansion packs.
*All the health items, armor and powerups from vanilla Quake and some from the expansions.
*Vore's fireballs don't follow you around corners. Because Zandronum's incapable of of doing that without some ACS magic.
*Since Doom maps weren't designed to have enemies that can only be killed with explosives, the zombies can also be gibbed with a close range SSG blast, Axe alt fire, and Mjolnir Hammer.
*Horn of Conjuring spawns only 4 different allies as of version 1.9, and they're mainly sligthly buffed versions of their evil counterparts.
*Runes act as upgrades. Each gives you a new ability(except for the Earth Magic rune, that acts like a megasphere)
Screenshot Gallery: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1vt31gk4sh40oa9/qIlSROdgPz
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18qyk ... videogames
What's to come:
-Make the powerups behave more like their quake counterparts, as in, have they play the sounds they do when running out, making the pentagram of protection change the armor count to 666, and have the invisibility ring leave only your eyes visible.
-Software mode "lite" version