[Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 2

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[Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 2

Post by HorrorMovieRei »


***DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6597j ... ltraV2.pk3 ***
Bug fix: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/423 ... ugFix1.wad
Quake Stuff ULTRA is a mod that ports Quake 1's weapons, monsters and powerups to Doom, and uses the actual models from Quake.
I made this mod for 2 reasons:
1. because I think the quake's single player is kinda of underated. Everything feels so brutal, barbaric, but people mostly remember Quake for it's multiplayer experience. Don't get me wrong, Quake's online Deathmatches are awesome, but I think the Single player deserves some more love than it got.
2. because I can't get a descent ping on Darkplaces's Quake world servers for shit.

When I made this mod I had Zandronum in mind, but it seems to work fine on GZdoom.
Also, why the "ULTRA" in the name? Because I tried porting the quake's stuff to doom before, but it was really poorly scripted, and used qdoom's low-res sprites.

*All of the weapons from Quake and it's mission packs.
*All of vanilla Quake's monsters, and a lot of monsters from the expansion packs.
*All the health items, armor and powerups from vanilla Quake and some from the expansions.

*Vore's fireballs don't follow you around corners. Because Zandronum's incapable of of doing that without some ACS magic.
*Since Doom maps weren't designed to have enemies that can only be killed with explosives, the zombies can also be gibbed with a close range SSG blast, Axe alt fire, and Mjolnir Hammer.
*Horn of Conjuring spawns only 4 different allies as of version 1.9, and they're mainly sligthly buffed versions of their evil counterparts.
*Runes act as upgrades. Each gives you a new ability(except for the Earth Magic rune, that acts like a megasphere)

Screenshot Gallery: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1vt31gk4sh40oa9/qIlSROdgPz

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18qyk ... videogames

What's to come:
-Make the powerups behave more like their quake counterparts, as in, have they play the sounds they do when running out, making the pentagram of protection change the armor count to 666, and have the invisibility ring leave only your eyes visible.
-Software mode "lite" version
Last edited by HorrorMovieRei on Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:31 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by armyman12345 »

Can you make sprited versions of the monsters? I would love to use them.
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by Zeberpal »

That's nice, I nearly got a feeling I play Doom on Quake engine. Good job!
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by twinkieman93 »

armyman12345 wrote:Can you make sprited versions of the monsters? I would love to use them.
Seconded. Believe it or not some of us can't play Doom in OpenGL, or in some cases just don't like models. Include qDoom's low-res sprites, please, if at all possible.
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by HorrorMovieRei »

Zeberpal wrote:That's nice, I nearly got a feeling I play Doom on Quake engine. Good job!
twinkieman93 wrote:Believe it or not some of us can't play Doom in OpenGL, or in some cases just don't like models. Include qDoom's low-res sprites, please, if at all possible.
I'll look into that. I could take hi-res screenshots from the Quake model viewer, and they'd look something like Samsara's Ranger. And since all monsters and weapons are done, It'd be easy to maintain both the Gl and Software versions.
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by ShadesMaster »

I am, quite frankly, impressed! The behavior for the creatures is nearly spot-on, and I love how you handled the lightning effects and such. Still, I'd love to see those kinds of effects used for the Quake 1 lasers and fireballs that enemies shoot, which in Quake 1 were sort of bland! Also, like how you handled a new, secondary attack for the axe, perhaps make Thor's Hammer feel more 'weighty' in it's attack.

In terms of sprite <--> model use, I'm sure you are aware of the Quake 1 spriting efforts where they're more DooM-friendly than model-rips... of course for monsters only the dog and Vore are done!

Maybe eventually a few things from QUOTH can make it in here as well - Ogres who shoit nails, flying drones and baby vorelings, as well as Gargoyle-Drerelicts would fit in here quite nicely!
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by Gothic »

Nice stuff, I actually enjoyed playing QDoom with this mod
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by jpalomo »

A minor nitpick: the name tags for the weapons are all messed up. You have 3 rocket launchers, 2 brass knuckles, and a bfg 9000.
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by Tormentor667 »

armyman12345 wrote:Can you make sprited versions of the monsters? I would love to use them.
There are already enough Quake TCs with sprites, no need to do this again. Awesome work btw!
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by Ed the Bat »

This is beautiful. I've been looking for a few years for a project with improved resources to help shore up the Quake stuff I was using. Would it be alright if I borrow resources (with full credit where due, of course) from this to fill in my gaps?
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by Ghostbreed »

Fun idea but needs more polish
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by HorrorMovieRei »

Ed the Bat wrote:Would it be alright if I borrow resources (with full credit where due, of course) from this to fill in my gaps?
Sure, no problem.
I only ask for credit if you use the scripts and/or the Doppelganger skin.
Since the models themselves are made by ID software, credit is not really necessary.(but would be appreciated :wink: )
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by Ed the Bat »

Great, thanks. My real interest is in the player and his arsenal, but I'll definitely credit your efforts for helping me get closer to my goals. :)
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by Sergeant_Mark_IV »

Tormentor667 wrote:
armyman12345 wrote:Can you make sprited versions of the monsters? I would love to use them.
There are already enough Quake TCs with sprites, no need to do this again. Awesome work btw!
Then these sprites could just be merged with this project, and turn this into the Ultimate Quake TC For Zdoom, that can perfectly work both on OpenGL and Software.
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Re: [Release] Quake 1 Stuff ULTRA - version 1

Post by Ghostbreed »

Brutal Quake

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