So what this thing does is that it operates on Doom playpal lumps and moves color ranges. Palettes in the same format from other games should also work, e.g. Heretic, Hexen, Strife, Duke, etc...
Usage guide
It's a command line tool that takes a plethora of arguments:
Code: Select all
usage: palmove <mode> <input> <output> <transplant> <start> <end> <destination>
- m: move, moves the palette range <start>:<end> to <destination> and writes resulting palette to <output>.
- s: swap, use with move (<mode> being 'ms' for instance). The range being overwritten by the move is moved back to the starting range. This creates a two-way move.
- t: transplant. The palette is handled in <input> and written to <output> but the color data is actually read from <transplant>. For instance, if <input> points to Doom PLAYPAL, and <transplant> for instance to Demon Eclipse's, you can transplant the green range from Demon Eclipse to the Doom one with: t doom.pal output.pal demoneclipse.pal 112 127 112. This is the only mode which uses <transplant>, it is ignored otherwise. 'm' and 's' have no effect with this.
- r: reverse. If used on its own, the range <start>:<end> is reversed to <end>:<start>. If used in conjuction with 'm' or 't', the palette ranges being moved are reversed in the process. If used with 's', both affected ranges get reversed.
Downloads here
Includes win32 and win64 binaries and source code.