What prompted the rule change? I remember there being a discussion on this topic a while back, but it was months ago and I haven't seen anything recently. Was there something going on IRC while I was away? Just feel like I've missed something somewhere.

I'm still not convinced the "four-year rule" is necessary -- it seems like a weird half-solution to dodge the actual issue: are commercial resources allowed or are they not? Why four years? Everything about it seems completely arbitrary, and I haven't seen anything come up that would prompt it being put into action aside from that the aforementioned resource discussion a while back. IIRC, no rips were ever posted/attempted and the whole "don't rip Rage yet" thing seemed like just a weird phobia to me.
I dunno. I see the need for the restrictions (and agree with the rest of 'em just fine), but the four-year one undermines the whole thing by reeking of "why?" Let the "no unmodified resources" clause cover the bases. That's all that's needed in that regard.