Pods, fungi, primitive life sprites?

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Pods, fungi, primitive life sprites?

Post by Ravick »


I'm searching for sprites of 'hellish' small forms of life for some time, to use in Doom. I intent to make the beings of the base of food chain in Hell. Things like pods, demonic trees, flesh trees, fungi, molds, tumors, sponges, corals, living guts... this kind of stuff.

Does you know others games/wads with good sprites/images?
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Re: Pods, fungi, primitive life sprites?

Post by wildweasel »

Should be better-noticed in Resources.

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Re: Pods, fungi, primitive life sprites?

Post by Virtue »

maybe Heretic's pods are a good start? and hexen trees? they look more ominous than Dooms...
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Re: Pods, fungi, primitive life sprites?

Post by Enjay »

Ben2k9 wrote:maybe Heretic's pods are a good start? and hexen trees? they look more ominous than Dooms...
There are a lot of mushrooms/toadstools in Hexen too (including the exploding poison cloud one).
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Re: Pods, fungi, primitive life sprites?

Post by NeuralStunner »

Enjay wrote:There are a lot of mushrooms/toadstools in Hexen too (including the exploding poison cloud one).
*Squeak* *Squeak* *Squeak*
"Agh!" *Cough cough cough*

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