[SPRITES] Outlaw pistol reanimated!

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[SPRITES] Outlaw pistol reanimated!

Post by hitmanx »

Hello there. I was playing outlaw earlier with its terrible weapon reload animations and i thought. "Hey, how about, just for fun, i see what they could look like"

So i opened up flash and got to work, took maybe 10 minutes, just a quick little thing.

There are no new frames, just 3 original outlaw sprites, 1 of them is not used in the game for some reason.

I plan to do all the weapons from outlaw, but i work at a 'when i feel like it' kind of pace.

Anyway i hope you enjoy, sorry no screenies, but there is a flash preview below.


Also they are all png's because they're quite large and if i'm correct png's can be resized in gzdoom easily? These animations should be easy to use because they play out in an invisible stage kind of thing, so all frames should be able to go on the same alignment ( x 25 y 42 or whatever you know what i mean)

Shit, they really have to change the upload limit on this site. 256kb? really?



Preview: http://www.swfcabin.com/open/1317872111

Download sprites: http://www.mediafire.com/?1z1u9rqwv7v36vs
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el zee
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Re: [SPRITES] Outlaw pistol reanimated!

Post by el zee »

These are great!

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