(WIP) The Great War: 1916 [Files Released- Scavenge Away!]

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Dr. Crushcup
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(WIP) The Great War: 1916 [Files Released- Scavenge Away!]

Post by Dr. Crushcup »

MEGA UPDATE (1/7/2012): Game files are released for public revelation and development. You can grab the files right here: http://www.mediafire.com/?osk4299z1g2vf25
Please give proper credit if you decide to develop it further, yadda yadda, all that crap.
I may still pitch in some work on the project now and again, but honestly, I think I've done just about all I can do for the project. It would take a more experienced modder (and someone more artistically-inclined than me) to create the necessary sprites and carry the project forward from where it's at.
On another (final?) note, I'd like to again thank LilWhiteMouse for the contribution of the A7V and MkIV tank models. That really was awesome.

The Great War: 1916

This is the project thread for the remake of my previous attempt at bringing World War One to Doom. A total of about two weeks have been spent on the project so far, and the first playable map is nearing completion.

Here's what still must be completed:

German trenches [~90%]
British trench system [90%]
Heavy artillery actors [90%]
High-res textures [20%] Priorities. I'll attend to this after completing the map.
Trench Capture System [60%] (I have the scripts written up, but until I place path nodes and write setgoal scripts, they don't really mean anything)
Implement models [30%] (I'm looking for models, see below)

At the moment, the G98 is done (ironsights and all, with the exception of two or three bayonet sprites that still must be ripped)
Troop movement is rather satisfactory, and all that remains to be done on the map before it falls to mere beautification and optimization work is the node system for the home trenches and a quick overhaul of my original trench capture code.

Here's a couple things I'm debating adding in:
-Rain, though I don't know if rain would be an unnecessary burden that would bog down performance too much to be worth it- opinions?

-Day/night cycle (which would add another dimension to gameplay; accuracy of all actors will be reduced greatly during night battles, unless the currently unconfirmed para-flares are deployed to light up the battlefield) I'm thinking of doing this for one or two individual maps, as well as a couple maps that are night time only; I honor all preferences in the time of day people prefer to do their killing.

Image of the now:
Tank model courtesy of LilWhiteMouse; Don't expect mobile tanks in game, but at this stage, anything can happen...

Old Images:
Here are some things that I need, but don't have much confidence in my ability to make:
-Barbed wire and sandbag models (though I have wire sprites and I can settle for sandbag textures, if nothing else.)
-Artillery models (early howitzers and launched shells)
-Dead trees and WWI-era battlefield debris

In the way of effects, I can definitely use some better artillery impact effects (whether sprites or particle effects) that send geysers of dirt flying into the air.

If anyone can help me with the models, that would be terrific. :wink: I'm a god-awful modeler, but I will need a selection of models to complete the mod, so if you can model, or you know a good repository of free WWI models, please let me know!
Last edited by Dr. Crushcup on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:49 am, edited 32 times in total.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by wildweasel »

Any chance you could provide screenshots or some proof that you're actually making this?
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Dr. Crushcup »

Odd double post. My bad.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Dr. Crushcup »

Well, if you insist. Though I'd rather wait until it's further done-- KADOOSH!
http://img26.imageshack.us/i/screenshot ... 03092.png/
http://img849.imageshack.us/i/screensho ... 03092.png/
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by wildweasel »

Yeah, that is a bit weird, maybe check your connection. Your thread got double-posted as well (I cleaned it up though).
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Dr. Crushcup »

Argh, another double post. Yeah, I'm gonna reboot here and see if that solves the problem.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Dr. Crushcup »

Damn, really? Well, thanks for fixing the double-thread.


Here's an aerial shot of the German trenches as they currently exist. Please excuse the fact that the terrain looks like a hex board game, that will be straightened out as the map nears total completion.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Tragos »

It look's pretty neat what you have going on there, I've always thought WW1 would make an excellent theme for an FPS, it seems that WW2 gets all the glory when in truth the first world war was just as nasty. I'm already dreaming of massive troop battles on this map, artillery shells coming down and machine guns blasting away. I might be able to provide some nice dirt textures if you need them.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Dr. Crushcup »

Thanks! Yeah, World War 1 was really one of the most brutal wars of the past century.
The map is as big as the engine will allow without causing strange 'insta-death' bugs on the borders (about 20000 by 20000 units), so the plan is to cram in as much action as possible within those constraints.
Dirt textures would be lovely! I'm looking for ways to reduce or eliminate dependencies on Doom2.wad, while improving quality, and that would be an excellent start!
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Tragos »

I'm assuming since you want high res stuff, that the textures will be in .Png format? I'd also stick to sprites for the soldiers, maybe if you plan to include tanks then make those in Md2 format.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Dr. Crushcup »

Yep, .png format indeed. Thanks again, man!

Upon further thought, I agree that the soldiers should remain sprites. Besides, utilizing methods used in Beautiful Doom, I could make the carnage much more wholesome than with the models I'd be limited to.

I might include tanks, but the problem there would be that unless there's a way to make them adjust pitch according to the angle of the ground they're on, they would appear to remain totally level, even when driving up hills or down into craters (which would just drive me nuts :P ) Besides which, unless I could figure out how to pull that advanced trick with actor tethering, the tank would be a perfectly round actor, so the front and rear of the tank wouldn't have any shootable or clipping properties. That's why I'm thinking of setting the game in that brief period after the introduction of coal scuttle helmets, and before the advent of tanks.

If anyone cares to lend their know-how to help me whip up some decent tank actors, though, it would add immensely to the mayhem if I could throw them in.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by KingShinra »


Dude, suprisingly, from what I've seen, this is the first time I've seen trench warfare utilized expertively in Doom. Keep going. You've got the vision.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by chopkinsca »

One problem with making it open air (no void walls) is that it will effect the performance. I've had big open maps that I had to 'split up' with chunks of void.

Otherwise, this looks good.
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Dr. Crushcup »

Thanks for the positive feedback, all!
@chopkinsca- You're right; Of course, I haven't been noticing these performance detriments as much because of my machine (XPS), but it could be horrible in the end for people with slower machines.
Of course, the problem here is that I can't really split this map up without destroying the overall big-battlefield effect I'm going for, so the best I can do at this stage is optimize the terrain and make it as efficient as possible. Any other suggestions you can think of?
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Re: WWI Doom (The Great War)

Post by Zenon »

Will it be ready by Anzac day? :wink:

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