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Perhaps this could be used as a base for building a Succubus like enemy for Doom perhaps (like adding wings and altering the sprite to give fireball attacks not to mention a gory death)?
Last edited by Jinal on Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The in-progress Doom X has some slightly-more-tasteful succubus-type enemies, though for the most part, nude sprites would be considered a silly novelty by most.
Action Doom had nude male sprites that were floating around in alien tubes. Front view only, though.
There is some sprite replacement on idgames which adds genitals to Doom's beastiary, aswell.
You know, you could also look for sprites from the DS Castlevania games. Some of the monstergirls there, made to look a little more scary looking, might fit Doom.
If you need some good quality nude sprites, I suggest the game Lula3D (an erotic adventure-game). The game itself sucks big-time, it's horrible and unlogical, but it has several nice nude male & female models in it.
I've made a few male versions of some Doom enemies (makes more sense to be honest... demons aren't the type of characters to have modesty) as well as the charmander sprites if those would be useful.