ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

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Captain Ventris
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ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by Captain Ventris »

The last version of ZDoom Wars Classic, 3.2, is now out.

For those who have not heard of it, here is the ZDoom Wiki page on it.

Changelog in the spoiler:
Download the pk3 and the maps wad here: http://hosted.drdteam.org/zdwars/

And, lastly, a little note to those who have been playing ZDoom Wars for these past two years, 1 month, and 1 day:

Code: Select all

ZDoom Wars began as my first ever project for Doom. A silly little thing, really, but it seems to have grown a bit, and even gathered fans along the way. It has its problems, but overall I think it is a satisfactory project, and was worth the time and effort, and I have really enjoyed working on it and writing way too much in the way of manuals.

However, I have decided to stop production on ZDoom Wars, not in order to retire from Doom modding for a while, but to start a sequel, news of which is on the from-here-on-out defunct ZDoom Wars development blog. Though ZDWars has attained certain levels of popularity, there are things about it which I feel will best be fixed and improved with a complete rewrite, and reconception. I've gathered a couple people as advisors and helpers already, but it will be a while before any real news on the project is available.

I never foresaw this project really getting anywhere, but people decided they liked my interpretation of Martin Collberg's idea, I suppose. I would like it to not be forgotten that this whole mess was really entirely his concept. I also must thank a fellow I haven't seen in a long while, eliw00d, for showing me that people would care for the idea of creating this project, and consequently inspiring me to learn Decorate on that July afternoon.

Most importantly, I just want to thank the people who have played it, for better or worse. Thanks for giving my little mod a chance. Thanks for the laughs, the brief spurts of loathing, and the encouragement and input. I couldn't have done this without such support - after all, I first met Mik57 because Blazing Phoenix told him about my project on Doomworld when it was in its early stages.

So, with that, ZDoom Wars must gracefully bow and say goodbye, and ride its Stridicus off into the sunset. Hope to see you all for another adventure when the ZDoom Wars 2 site (zdoomwars2.phenomer.net) is made public.

                                                                       -Captain Ventris
P.S.: ZDoom Wars is now eligible for a Cacoward. ;)
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by Nash »

Well, it sucks to see this abandoned. :( However, good luck with the rewrite... you're right; sometimes, it's better to start with something new so you have a chance to fix things fundamentally at the earliest stages possible.

Again, all the best with version 2!
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by Captain Ventris »

Well, it's not really being ABANDONED, I just stopped development. Going any further would be overdoing it, I think. Got some nice things like monster health bars and such in there, and the last update made a couple little-played maps more playable. It's just gotta stop some time. :P

Also, I'm totally cool if any of you ZDoomers want to help. :P
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by Ethril »

Oh, now I get it. At first I was like "Why the hell is he making a sequel...?", but I see now that it's more of a "new game plus"; You're starting over with the knowledge and experience you have now, to avoid the mistakes you made the first time and result in a better end product.

You can count on me to throw out ideas on occasion, as always. :P
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by NeuralStunner »

You could draw a similarity to ZDoom's menu code: It's gotten to the point where tacking new things on is a nightmare. A rewrite will do wonders. :)
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by mr.dude »

i cannot download it. says "error 404"
:( :cry: :( :cry: :( :cry:
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by TheDarkArchon »

See the sticky thread at the top of the Projects board? The one that says "Mod Download Broken? Request Reuploads Here"? Yeah, go there
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by TerminusEst13 »

It's also best to move on to the updated ZDoom Wars I.
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by Captain Ventris »

ZDoom Wars I is run by Repoman who works with my blessing. It is to be considered a proper continuation of ZDoom Wars. So yeah, go there.
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by mr.dude »

fatal error
designated team is a unknown actor property
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by Captain Ventris »


You need to run it in Zandronum, which is a continuation of Skulltag.
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by mr.dude »

when i play zdoom wars 2.6 on a map and i add a bot the game gets sticked
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by TechnoDoomed1 »

I hate to necro this post, but I remember that back in the day there was a download for this mod that also contained a bunch of pdfs as well (about the monster's roles and extracts from the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu). I've long lost the file, and I was wondering if anyone still has the original package I'm talking about, or knows of an alternate download link to get it, since the drdteam site no longer works.

Thank you in advance!

EDIT: I'm mostly interested in those extra pdfs, rather than the mod itself. It containted pretty interesting ideas about role classification that may help me in game design.
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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by wolfman »

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Re: ZDoom Wars 3.2: Final Release

Post by TechnoDoomed1 »

Thank you very much!!! You're a godsend. :wub:

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