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This is my first major project for GZdoom. It's a non-linear mapset with 5 quite large maps. The difficulty is quite high, so watch your health&ammo carefully! This set is a bit different from most Doom maps, because I've tried to capture a somehow Silent-Hill kinda type of atmosphere with the gameplay of Doom and I hope you enjoy it
I know that I'm just a bloody newbie in the mapper community, but maybe you can give my maps a try. They don't have hyper-details, but I've tried my best to make them play and look good. Please give crits&comments as much as you like! I will upload to idgames as soon as there are no changes required anymore.
Have fun
Here are some screenshots:
Last edited by BlueEagle on Fri May 07, 2010 2:09 am, edited 7 times in total.
But yes, the lighting overall has a genuine spooky flavor. (Instead of cheap pitch black BOO LOOK MONSTERS AARGH! shock tactics.)
So I started this up, and I'm already impressed by the architecture. (And an unusual sort of starting area too.) The ambiance has me expecting hell any moment (literally). More later!
Yes, first impressions very nice. I haven't played much but it seems to have lots of atmosphere and some nice little twists of logic. I love the...
bit where you travel back and forth through the mirror. Especially as when you first try the bathroom door it is locked and then you appear inside the bathroom yourself via the other level - posing the question did you lock it yourself or did the bad guys?
Ammo and health is plentiful enough. (Seems you only really run low if you freak out and do something dumb.) I've left quite a bit of backup health behind me... I actually have used the pistol very little. I suckerpunched the first round of baddies through the bars. (Thanks to their sorry aim and "I wanna hug" tactics, it was quite simple.) In fact, I've so far only needed it to get me a chainsaw. Even on UV it's not overly hard to survive a lot of skirmishes with just that. (Up until you meet the first imps, but by then you should have a shotgun!)
No crouching though? Hmm. I haven't found anywhere yet it would ruin a puzzle, but it hurts my stealth tactics not having it.
Anyway, I was a little surprised the chainsaw dudes have a high enough pain chance that matching weapons with them is so effective. Get cornered by one or two though, and you're in trouble. I admit the first one was a little nervewracking... Not knowing what to expect, as in, how fast can I take this thing down?
The usage of gore here is actually not overplayed. (I did find myself jumping over a few spots. Yech.) I'm rarely into horror maps so I don't know why I picked this up. (Maybe the nice screenshots are that compelling? Aha! I just hope prospective downloaders know to expect a lot of red.) Not that I have a weak stomach - it all makes me want to pick up a gun and go find the bastards responsible!
Bug hunt:
Console says: Tried to register class "Acolyte" more than once.
I'm getting a few "unknown texture" errors in Map01.
In Map02, for some reason I'm seeing the default DooM candles instead of the ones in your screenshot.
Everything else works okay so far. (The tech doors do seem a little out of place in Map02 though.)
Nice find, Enjay
Let's see if you find more of those twists ^^
Good points. Started fixing it!
"Console says: Tried to register class "Acolyte" more than once."
This is my first time using decorates and I have no clue why this is :/
"I'm getting a few "unknown texture" errors in Map01."
"In Map02, for some reason I'm seeing the default DooM candles instead of the ones in your screenshot."
That's because I was using beautiful doom when I made the shots. Should have mentioned it, sorry
"(The tech doors do seem a little out of place in Map02 though.)"
BlueEagle wrote:"Console says: Tried to register class "Acolyte" more than once."
This is my first time using decorates and I have no clue why this is :/
(G)Zdoom already has a built-in actor called Acolyte (its one of the enemies in Strife). Presumably you have also added an actor called Acolyte [edit] Yes, it's the one like the Hexen Bishop [/edit]. Change the name of your actor in its decorate and the conflict message will go.
Map01: The sector that houses your city skyline is visible on the AutoMap. Might want to put the "never show" flag on all those lines. (The music in this map has a rather sad note.)
Map04: I finally found a place where crouching could be exploited. (A brick wall at the end of a hallway, missing a few in the middle. -1844, 632 or thereabouts.) I didn't want to take that route though, obviously.
Could you maybe close up places like this just a little more, and let players crouch by default? Pretty please?
The sparkling red paper on the table that teleports you to the starting room? First time I tried that I got halfway stuck in the table at the destination. I thought it was sopme kind of wierd trap until I tried it again just now, and it worked. (I still teleported into the table, but moving forward got me out.) It's the 3D floor, obviously. There's a [wiki=Classes:TeleportDest2]Z-Preserving Teleport Destination Thing[/wiki] (#9044), you ought to use that here.
At one point a door closed right next to me and I jumped. Well played.
Map03: "The Living Room". Heh. The room certainly looks alive... or at least relatively speaking. Creepy. But a well built creepy.
Map05 was cool. Hard, but amazing. Your use of layered transparent textures is a clever effect, also. (And neat music.) Also, Children's Room? Hmm...
This whole project has a strange feel to it... Should I say dreamlike?
Definitely finish. I've got all the Keycards and now I want to see the rest!
Gave this a quick spin... I like it. You've nailed the Silent Hill vibe pretty much. Actually this mapset reminds me of The Room - getting stuck in an apartment and all - except with way more action. XD
This is a great wad, especially the ambience music. It all sounds and fits well, except one. Though the starcraft soundtrack is awesome, for some reason the song feels a bit more uppity compared to the other level's ambience music. If you could find any decent dark ambience that has that organic gluttony/inside a body feel, that'd suit it leagues better personally.
Just one thing: the scale in the apartment looks wrong. The chair, bed, everything looks too big. use chasecam and you'll see what I mean. Unfortunately, to fix that, you'd have to either redo the place, or (kind of easier) change the scale (and view height, very important) of the player. Then again, that would mean that monsters would look small... I guess you get my point.
Thanks for the feedback NeuralStunner! Almost everything you suggested has been fixed (except for crouching, I don't know if I want to enable it because it feels more frightening if you can't hide everywhere). The fifth map "Kinderzimmer" has been renamed to "Lost Childhood".
I've completed a whole bunch of new areas, which means that now 5 of 6 keys are available. I got carried away a little with one map and it has become really big (11x11 squares at 1024).
@chronoteeth: I'll see if I can find a better music for the level.
@DBThanatos: Hehe, yeah the doom guy is kind of a midget. But I won't change the scale at this point. If you want the player to be bigger, I could change view height. Beautiful Doom does that too and I must say it fits very well and the enemies don't seem too small. I'll look into this.