[Not a ZDoom bug] Picking up stuff slows down game speed

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Picking up stuff slows down game speed

Post by Ixnatifual »

In the brief moment where the screen blinks when I pick up an item, the game seems to slow down significantly.

It's most easily noticable if I grab a lot of stuff in a longer row. When I stop picking up stop the game speed resumes to normal.
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Post by Ultraviolet »

It must be just you. What version of ZDoom are you running, on what OS, with what system specs?
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Post by wildweasel »

I've heard of this problem before. If I remember right, the problem is that your video card doesn't like palette switching.
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Post by Ultraviolet »

Only thing I've heard about cards having trouble with palette switching doing is getting stuck in weird palettes on startup and returning to normal on picking up items, then getting trashed again on entering a colored sector or using the menu or something. I suppose this *could* be related to that, but if I'm thinking that what you're saying you're heard of is what I'm thinking you've heard of, then it's a far shot.
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Post by randi »

Unfortunately, some video cards are slow at palette switching, though they seem to be very rare. The only way to "fix" it is to not use a paletted display (such as by playing in a window).
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Post by Ixnatifual »


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