doom connector help..

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doom connector help..

Post by doom-freak »

i just made an account on the DOOM CONNECTOR but it keeps saying that it cant connect to the server.... what do i do
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Post by Lumpy »

Absolutely nothing. You did all you can do. Doom Connector is down right now, and has been for a week and a half. All you can do is try to sign on everyday. If you get on good for you, and good for me cuz then I can get on again. If you can't get on then it's still down, try again another day.
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Post by Lumpy »

actually I just checked. It is back up. Try to sign on super-freak.
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Wasted Youth
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Post by Wasted Youth »

Back in Sept. I download it and It crash my whole system (Thankfully I have a Backup Hard Drive)... So I would backup up everything before downloading and installing Doom Connector if you have not tried it yet. I personally stick to ZDaemon... Sorry but I do have a problem with Doom Connector... What else could you expect, it crahed my whole computer. I lost EVERY thing except my basic stuff I had backed up...
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Post by CodeImp »

System Requirements
200 MHz CPU or faster.
Windows 98 or newer.
Your operating system must be up to date.
Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer.
AOL users must use AOL 6.0 or newer.
That is a known problem and its not the software, but the windows system files that fail it. Thats why there are system requirements, this problem occurs when you do not meet these system requirements. They are stated clearly at the download page. I suggest you read them next time before you sprint to the download button ;)
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Post by Biff »

Gherkin, he seems to be saying that he thinks the software caused a hard drive failure, or maybe a FAT corruption or...what. Not just that the software crashed. I wouldn't think that a Windows application could cause that sort of hard drive problem. Possible?
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Post by Wasted Youth »

200 MHz CPU or faster. Yes (300 MHz)
Windows 98 or newer. Yes (Windows 98 SE)
Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer. I hate Explorer so I don't know... :wink:
CodeImp wrote:That is a known problem and its not the software, but the windows system files that fail it.
Yeah, Windows Sucks... :wink:

Just as long the public Knows... I don't want anybody to go through what I had too...
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Post by Kate »

Wasted Youth wrote:Just as long the public Knows... I don't want anybody to go through what I had to...
Unfortunatly in my cases you're 1-2 weeks too late... The first case: Windows ME on a Dell Latitude Laptop - Once Installed, caused a General Protection Fault every time the computer booted. I know I should've learned that time, but... Second case: Windows 98SE on a 266MHz Desktop - Once Installed, every time Windows booted, the computer would constantly spit out illegal operations until it was shut off. Both cases the computer had to be completely reformatted and Windows re-installed.
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Post by Xaser »

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Post by HotWax »

Yeah, okay, blame it on the OS. :P Any software that regularly causes complete system meltdowns should be avoided like the plague, and the programmer needs to go back into his code and see what the fuck he did wrong. Crappy OS, or no crappy OS, it's YOUR software that's causing the issue.
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Post by Biff »

I've never heard of any "system meltdown" due to an application, until now. So I'm not convinced yet. No one I know has problems of that sort with doom connector. I know apps can crash, but I've never before heard anyone blame a hard drive failure on that.
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Post by HotWax »

If somebody eats a bad cheeseburger and becomes violently ill, do you blame their inadequate immune system or the bad cheeseburger?

I could write you up a quick program that would destroy your hard drive's FAT table if you were willing to run it. Since Win NT/2k/XP don't use the FAT system, it would only be a problem on Win95/98/ME... Which still doesn't make it Microsoft's fault . . .
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Post by CodeImp »

But Doom Connector doesnt access FAT directly. And I seriously doubt any of the standard calls like fopen() and fclose() can cause such a thing. Besides, who ever said its the FAT that got screwed? I just know your windows crashes when you have not updated it and you try installing up-to-date software (where is clearly state in the system requirements that you need to update your OS). So please, stop your argument.

Doom Connector is back online. Appeared to be a server database inconsistency in some of the buddylists. The system will be partially reset and patched soon to get rid of any other inconsistencies that may be there. My excuses for the trouble.
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Post by Biff »

I'd say the cheeseburger is to blame, once we've scientifically established the existance of abnormal toxins in that cheeseburger. However, that's not a valid comparison to this software issue. It's more like this: You cook up a big pot of spaghetti sauce, prepare the pasta, and many people come to partake. You like it, I like it, and darn near everyone else likes it and feels fine afterward. One person feels ill later. Do we blame it on the spaghetti? Or, do we surmise that, because nearly all persons involved did not become ill, that there must be some unique issue with that individual who did become ill?

Furthermore, the person who became ill did not ever really know what went wrong, no complete medical workup was done and perhaps was not even feasible. He just "threw up" (aka formatted / reinstalled) and later recovered. So, I remain sincerely unconvinced that there is any specific system-damaging problem with Gherkin's code. Not putting any "blame" on Microsoft either. We've all been around computers enough to know that, with the variety of hardware being used and the complexity of hardware/drivers/applications interaction, sometimes "stuff happens" and we may never fully understand it, just kill it with a big hammer. :)

Edit: Beaten by CodeImp! No one other than my guess/question mentioned a FAT problem. I just was probing, with doubt, as to why someone would blame a hard drive failure on an application.
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Post by Wasted Youth »

My computer is allergic to Doom Connector :P
Time for its Medication, A Big Fat Kick in the ASS! :twisted:

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