Help im a real noob to all this fancy talk

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Help im a real noob to all this fancy talk

Post by Jazon »

im new to everything about doom multiplayer (well not entirely because me and my brother played co op with doom 95 (boooo!))
i recently downloaded zdeamon and zdoom and want to start a co op game with my brother using our network cards is ths possible and be warned i dont even know what a port is or nuthin
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Post by Ultraviolet »

You only need to know your IP addresses if you're going to use ZDoom for a network game. If you can get to the command prompt, do it. If you don't know how (or it isn't in your start menu somewhere), go to start, run, type "cmd" and press enter. Type "ipconfig" at the prompt and press enter. It will tell you some things, and beside the phrase "IP Address" you should see four numbers separated by dots. That is your IP address and you will both need to know it to connect to each other. Take note of it, dots and all.

To launch the game, somebody needs to host it. One computer must type "zdoom -host 2 [and then any additional parameters like -warp, -skill, etc]" The "-host 2" part says to host a game for two players. When whoever isn't hosting wants to join the game, they'll type "zdoom -join [ip address of whoever is hosting]." You don't have to specify any of the other parameters here because whatever the server uses is what you'll use as well. The exception is if you're using custom levels or graphics or whatever. If you want to play without the game crashing, you'll both have to explicitly load your levels and such on the command line and they'll have to work in such a way that the game plays the same way on both ends.
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Post by Jazon »

cool thanks
i also got unleashed and its really easy to use
but is there a way i can use my music wads in unleashed?
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Post by Biff »

Adding just a bit to UltraV's advice, you can also join the host computer by "name" rather than IP address. The "name" is the computer identification on the LAN, shown in Network Properties. My computer's identification is Biff, so when I host, all the other players have to type is
zdoom -join Biff

Also, about zdaemon, just don't confuse that with zdoom, it is a separate program, although based on zdoom. You can have a zdaemon server running on your LAN and can join the server, playing on the same computer. Others on the LAN can also join and leave the game at will. With zdoom, all players have to join at the same time, when the game starts.

You should use zdoom if possible, its performance is superior to zdaemon in a number of ways.

Post by ac »

yeah is there a way to get a list of the "additional parameters"
and also a list of console commands?
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Post by HotWax »

Download the 2.0.60 source code, and read the documentation that comes with it.
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Post by Jazon »

:D :D :D :D
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Re: Help im a real noob to all this fancy talk

Post by taufan99 »

many users say this is a best steps to play zdoom online..
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Re: Help im a real noob to all this fancy talk

Post by InsanityBringer »

Networking Forum: the largest source of over two year bumps.

Please read the post date before posting. It's likely that someone who asked a question in 2004 and has received an answer and hasn't visited the forum in about six years isn't actively seeking one.
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Re: Help im a real noob to all this fancy talk

Post by wildweasel »

Sigh. Again.

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