[Not a ZDoom bug] Massmouth 2 Bug with latest Zdoom (60.cab)

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Massmouth 2 Bug with latest Zdoom (60.cab)

Post by Anonymous »

Apparantly there's a bug that concerns the endings. I did keep the Worm safe, but unfortunately when I go to the final battle stage, the Worm is not there as if he died and John Romero appears as so.

Is this a Zdoom Bug or a script bug in general?
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Post by Virgil »

No clue. I can't read Cyb's code. :) I'm assuming only Cyb can.
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Post by Cyb »

I can confirm this bug, it's a ZDoom bug as well, since it worked with all prior versions I tried it with (pre 48 and I believe the last version I tried it with fully was 56 or so), I assume something is up with global or world variables.

edit: oh yeah, don't even try and decipher the map13/14 acs, it's quite unreadable
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Post by Virgil »

Lol, you think that's unreadable? Wait 'till I release Claust right before Christmas... :D
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Post by akimmet »

It also appears impossible to win the secret level mini-game also, all the answers are incorrect on the last question.

EDIT: Oops. It appears I must have confused the scripts somehow, I can get things to work if I cheat and go straight to the secret level...

EDIT2: Ahh, thanks Xaser that makes more sense.
Last edited by akimmet on Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Xaser »

akimmet wrote:It also appears impossible to win the secret level mini-game also, all the answers are incorrect on the last question.
Actually, on the last question, the correct answer is completely random. Make sure you save before guessing.
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Post by randi »

I finally got around to checking this out, and what seemed like an easy way to trigger this didn't work: Start on map13 to set wormstate to 1 and then use changemap map14 in the console right away to jump to map14. The worm was there waiting for me when I got to map14. Is this something that only shows up if I actually play through the wad without cheating?
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Post by Cyb »

I just tried it the way you said, and it worked, but here's how you can recreate it without having to play through anything (well not too much). start in map13 then turn on noclip and god mode and then run straight until you pass through the red door, now use whatever (mdk or idfa) to kill the teleporting guys but make sure the worm survives. Now exit the map as normal and when you get to map14 he won't be there.

Also weird, I tried it the way you said and it worked, so then I changemap'd back to 13 and tried it my way and it worked fine, but then I tried again after restarting zdoom and the error was there.
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Post by randi »

Okay, found it. It is a bug with Massmouth 2, not ZDoom. It worked before because of a ZDoom bug that was fixed. Enter scripts can no longer be terminated because they are now executed with the equivalent of ACS_ExecuteAlways so that multiple players can activate them. Just change script 101 to open instead of enter, and it should work again.
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Post by Cyb »


edit: oy, I had to fix a similar script in map14 because of this issue as well, I hope I didn't terminate repeating enter scripts too much :P I was hoping I wouldn't have to bugtest this any more :/

edit again: actually while I'm here, I noticed that on map10 there used to be a statue of Linguica in the central courtyard which I made by lowering his health to 1 and then firing a plasma bullet (which freezes) at him and then setting him to dormant so he wouldn't explode after a few secs and them using thing_move to put him on the pedistal (not sure why I had that last step in there, it's not necessary). At the time of release that worked as intended, but somewhere along the line (mid 50's I guess) something with frozen monsters got altered and that no longer worked. Any way to remedy that? I know it's possible to have frozen stuff sitting in the map, LWM has them in Wolfen, though those might just be regular Hexen things, I haven't actually checked. This is really of minor importance though.
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Cyb wrote:I know it's possible to have frozen stuff sitting in the map, LWM has them in Wolfen, though those might just be regular Hexen things, I haven't actually checked. This is really of minor importance though.

Those are fakes which have been defined in DECORATE.
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Post by Cyb »

yeah I was actually thinking that last night a little while after I posted... makes my life easier anyways : P
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Post by Cyb »


(hehe sorry I always wanted to do that)
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Post by randi »

Cyb wrote:frozen statues
Okay, I changed Thing_Deactivate so it works with frozen corpses. All this does is stop the corpse from shattering automatically. It doesn't stop it from shattering if it gets shot or pushed off a ledge.

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