[Fixed] bloodbath

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Post by SargeBaldy »

Two problems with skill 5 of Strife:

1. Starts you out in map02
2. Displays the "this skill isn't even remotely fair" warning message from Doom
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Post by Enjay »

It actually starts you out on map01. All other skills start you out on map02. For some reason, the game begins on map02 rather than map01. So um, yeah it is a problem, I'm just being picky. :)

I don't actually know if "Bloodbath" is as unfair as "Nightmare" in Doom. If it is, I don't see a real problem with the message :). However, it's maybe worth pointing out that none of the games skills in Strife start as they did with the original exe. In Strife you are always asked to name your game before you get to play. I assume this is a hang over from the versions where you only got one save slot per game and you named your save slot right at the outset. From version 1.3 (the one that did away with the one save system IIRC) I think they really should have done away with the game naming dialogue at the start because it became pointless. Anyway, now that you no longer have to name your game at startup with Zdoom, perhaps there is space for a warning about the "unfairness" of Bloodbath.

Or maybe it was just a mistake. :)
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Post by SargeBaldy »

I assumed it was just a mistake. And as for the level you start on it does what I said for me O_o Odd that it does the inverse for you.
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Post by Enjay »

You mean when you normally start a game from the menu, you end up standing facing a door in the sanctuary or you end up in the usual start place facing an acolyte in that room with the pipes and nuke pool?

The game should start with you facing the acolyte (as it does on all skill levels except bloodbath for me) but that is not map01, but map02. ie the game is meant to start on map02 and you don't go to map01 until you infiltrate the sanctuary.
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Post by SargeBaldy »

Oh, you are correct sir. I know I read one as map01 and one as map02 and for some incredibly bizarre reason I assumed the normal start was map01 :P
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