[Fixed] Minor [Strife] issues

Bugs that have been investigated and resolved somehow.

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Minor issues

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Just some issues I couldn't find reported, mostly aesthetic.

Acolytes only seem to use their first two walking frames. I just noticed that they use all four when they're "passive". It's when they turn hostile that they only use two.
The flamethrower has two firing frames, ZDoom only seems to use one.
The sentinel "bounces" a lot, especially when traveling over ledges. Over time it's bobbing speed and height seem to increase.
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Post by randi »

Fixed them, although the sentinel is somewhat difficult. It normally uses MF_FLOAT, but that puts its vertical movement code in multiple places. I wasn't sure how to deal with that best in the sentinel's case, so I took that flag away from it. That means it won't fly down to meet you when you get close to it.

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