banner and bootlogo graphics questions

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banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by Enjay »

In gzdoom.pk3 there is a folder called "widgets". In this is a file called banner.png which is the graphic shown in the iwad picker dialogue (there is also a sub folder with some font files).

It seems to be that this must be in gzdoom.pk3. It doesn't seem possible to put a banner.png into an add-on pk3 and have it work (though it will if you add it to gzdoom.pk3 directly - not a good idea unless you are making a custom game with its own exe and support pk3).
I'm assuming that this is because the iwad dialogue happens so early that nothing is else loaded and so it specifically looks in gzdoom.pk3.
Is that correct?

Not actually in gzdoom.pk3, but in vkdoom.pk3, in the graphics folder, there is a file called bootlogo.png. This is a graphic shown in the middle of the screen when the small red progress bar moves across the bottom of the screen when a Doom game loads.

I have tried putting a bootlogo.png file into an add on pk3 and it also works in gzdoom. Was leaving one out of gzdoom.pk3 intentional, or an oversight? The one in vkdoom.pk3 is a 256x256 graphic (other sizes work too). It strikes me as the GZDoom logo could easily be included as a bootlogo graphic (although the blue logo might clash with the red progress bar ;) ). Just a thought.

I also noticed that, when games such as Heretic, Hexen and Strife startup, the bootlogo graphic is never seen. I assume that this is because those games have their own dedicated startups and there simply isn't the need or time to show an additional graphic?
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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by dpJudas »

You're right that the iwad dialog happens so early that no other pk3 has been loaded yet. Unless there was added something explicitly loading additional engine pk3s you won't really be able to override those assets.

About bootlogo.png, I think the reason GZDoom doesn't have one is simply that Graf might not have had one at hand. Now that the resolution limitation is lifted in vkdoom its quite possible he'd just have grabbed one of the standard logos already available for GZDoom, but at the time it would have required some work to adjust it to fit the old resolution limitations. I can't speak on Graf's behalf, but my guess would be that he wouldn't mind getting a good looking logo if provided. Even the logo in vkdoom is just something I hacked together - there are people (like you!) that are so much better at creating this kind of thing than us developers. :)

For Hexen et al it uses startup screens made specifically for those games. It is indeed showing their game specific assets in the loading screen. They are fairly limited in what they can do however because they uses the same lump formats as the original games.
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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by Enjay »

Thanks for confirming all that. It's appreciated.

As for a bootlogo for GZDoom, aside from the logo not matching the colour of the progess bar - as I mentioned - GZDoom already has a logo that looks perfectly acceptable to me:

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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by dpJudas »

It does, but if you put it into bootlogo.png in GZD I believe it looks really pixelated. It needs the commits I talked about for it to look as nice and crisp as what you just pasted here.
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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by Enjay »

Looks fine on my system in 1920x1200

[Edit: for clarity, that's with GZDoom 4.14.0]
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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by dpJudas »

OK in that case I have no idea why Graf didn't just do that. :)
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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by Nash »

The loading bar needs to be changed too, orange is VKDoom's branding.

The truth is all of this code was hastily copy-pasted into GZDoom, back then when VKDoom was still barely a thing.
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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by Enjay »

Well then, I suggest the blue logo and a complimentary blue progress bar.

Devs willing, of course. :)
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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by dpJudas »

We need Graf's personal feedback on this. The actual changes are minimal (change the color code of the progress bar and copy in the logo), but it could also simply be that Graf didn't like that kind of logo branding. It is probably worth mentioning here that the original startup screen code was something Graf coded back in an earlier refactor. The only thing I did was enable it and then add in some actual content (draw a logo). In any case, I think it needs his blessing to apply this to GZD as it might be he prefers a black screen.
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Re: banner and bootlogo graphics questions

Post by Enjay »

Totally agreed. Personally, i think it's a nice feature without being intrusive, but it's certainly not my call and Graf's blessing would indeed be appropriate and necessary.

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