/!\ icon for missing graphics?

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/!\ icon for missing graphics?

Post by ichxg0 »

When playing with the Hexen Weapons for Doom mod, in game I'm getting a large red and yellow exclamation mark icon for what appears to be... Something missing I guess? I've narrowed it down to be the berserk pack, but I'm not sure what it needs that it is missing. I can't pick it up either, so maybe its something more than graphics..

Has anybody experienced this, or know what the little /!\ icon actually means? (tried to upload to Imgur, but it didn't wanna take)

EDIT: may as well paste the code for the berserk replacer for you to see, at the bottom in states it has DOOM listed, which seems like a weird name for a powerup sprite... Not sure if that is what is causing it?

EDIT2: I opened up the console just to peek and found "DamageSphere at (-608.0, 1040.0) has no frames"
Are they not defined right down there? Or.. I don't see any sprites named DOOM in the mod, is that all it is?

EDIT3: Yep, it was just because it was looking for frames labelled as DOOM, when they don't exist... Subbed in the correct frames and no longer have the warning icon.


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