I'd like to suggest a version of SNDINFO based off of the system used for Mapinfo, something like this (although i think this could be improved quite a bit. this is just me tossin' ideas out there)
Code: Select all
//we can include extra sndinfo defs like this to organize stuff better
#include "sounds/sndinfo.misc.txt"
//this is a basic one-shot sound
sound "weapon/punch" {
path = "weapons/fist/punch.wav"
pitchRange = 4
volume = 1
//here is an ambient sound
sound "world/wind" {
path = "world/wind.wav"
volume = 0.5
ambientIndex = 1
ambientType = "point"
ambientMode = "continuous"
//and here is a random sound
random "monsters/spiderpain" {
path = "monsters/spiderpain1.wav", "monsters/spiderpain2.wav", "monsters/spiderpain3.wav", "monsters/spiderpain4.wav"
pitchSet = 0.4 //instead of defining a new pitch for each sound individually, you could do this and all of the sounds would have their pitch changed!