Hub: Kills, Items, Secrets Question

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Hub: Kills, Items, Secrets Question

Post by Enjay »

I can't find the answer to this and I can't check for myself for a day or two, but knowing the answer would help me with my planning.

If a few maps are tied together in Doom as a hub, and I want to keep the tally screen for when the hub finishes, when the exit switch is finally pressed to end the hub and go to the tally screen, does the tally aggregate the kills, items and secrets from all maps in the hub or just the one on which the exit instruction was called?

Specifically, I have the following reasonably simple hub in mind

MAP01, start game and go to MAP02
MAP02 do stuff and then progress to MAP03
MAP03 pick up a key (needed on MAP01) and go back to MAP02
MAP02 fight your way back to MAP01
MAP01 get to the place where the key is used to open the final room with the exit switch and BAM!
Exit - goto tally screen

So, all three maps in the hub will have been visited. Will the tally show the total stats from all three maps or will I have to keep a track of things myself and script a fake tally screen with ACS?
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Re: Hub: Kills, Items, Secrets Question

Post by Logan MTM »

You have the awnser in your hands. You just need to open and play a little bit! :roll:
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Re: Hub: Kills, Items, Secrets Question

Post by brick »

He specifically said he couldn't test it for another few days.

I've done something similar myself, and it works exactly as you want it to, the tally will count all the kills/items/secrets from all levels entered. I just went back and checked, it doesn't count the unentered levels, only ones the player actually sets foot in and loads (which makes sense). For information, this is what the corresponding ZMAPINFO sections look like.
The intermission tally only triggers once, at the end of MAP43, and I can tell from the values that it's counting the total of all kills out of all enemies in all 4 maps. Same for items and secrets counts.
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Re: Hub: Kills, Items, Secrets Question

Post by Rachael »

Brick pretty much said everything I was going to on this, but I just wanted to make a post confirming everything they said. From my own experience I can tell they are 100% right.
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Re: Hub: Kills, Items, Secrets Question

Post by Enjay »

Perfect. Thank you kindly. That answer is the one that I was hoping for and it makes life a lot easier.

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