Support for "Wanton Destruction" condensed release

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Support for "Wanton Destruction" condensed release

Post by NightFright »

The SW addon "Wanton Destruction" (wt.grp) contains all the data of the original game besides the altered files, bloating it needlessly. It would be great if Raze supported a condensed version which only contains addon data, shrinking it from 46 MB to merely 3 MB.

I have made such a file (wanton.grp) and uploaded it here for inspection. Note that I have added a custom file ( for easier groupfile identification. I am aware that ProAsm has already done something similar, but compared to his release, this one wouldn't use any external tiles, so no def file needed, plus it sticks completely to the original tiles and doesn't add any custom ones.

(It would be OK for me if this gets rejected since with today's HDD capacities, a 46 MB file is like nothing anyway, but technically WD is rather an addon and therefore should/could only contain data which is actually needed. In case the request is accepted, I would add wanton.grp to the bonus downloads on the Duke3D HRP website.)
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Support for "Wanton Destruction" condensed release

Post by Graf Zahl »

There's already such a file available from ProAsm here:
Support for this one has already been added.
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Re: Support for "Wanton Destruction" condensed release

Post by NightFright »

Right, didn't see it was already added. In fact just a couple of weeks ago.
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Re: Support for "Wanton Destruction" condensed release

Post by NightFright »

Note: It's still possible to support a custom minimized version by omitting size/crc in grpinfo and using instead:

Code: Select all

mustcontain "", "", "", ""
Both wt.grp (official) and wantdest.grp (ProAsm) contain these multiplayer-only maps while they are not part of sw.grp.
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Re: Support for "Wanton Destruction" condensed release

Post by Graf Zahl »

Why should we exclude them. While there is no multiplayer support right now, maybe we're lucky and in the future an MP developer shows up and makes it work. I really fail to see the point here. The mod already is a single file release and virtually nobody will bother to take apart a file as big as only a few megabytes. For World Tour this made sense, as it did for Cryptic Passage and Route 66. But not here.
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Re: Support for "Wanton Destruction" condensed release

Post by NightFright »

It's not about excluding anything, it's about finding what these versions have in common, which are the MP files. Anyway, I guess the need for this might really be too low.

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